Is anyone looking at the PRs that have been submitted??


Staff member
Many of us have been contributing code to Fabrik via PRs but they seem to just be ignored. Is anyone looking at these or should we not bother? There are currently 125 open PRs going back to 2013. If they are not going to be merged then they should be deleted.
@troester seems to be commiting more straighforward PR-s as they come up, but the ones making bigger changes to the code would need to be approved by Media A-Team, so they are likely to stay in the "waiting list" for unknown time.

And also the ones that are already in the list are very unlikely to become committed.
I have 5 PRs at the top of the list which address PHP8 and J4 issues that are very straightforward. There should be no reason to delay merging them.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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