Is gcalsync working in 3.1 ?


I installed the Zend library under Joomla libraries,
and set all the properties except optional user id : set sync to both ways, created a gcal_id column and gave the XML Google URL (tried apart works ok), set Run to 1 minute Log to Yes with no querystring and published.

Nothing happens.
#__fabrik_log catches no log.

What do I have to check ?

My purpose is to import Fabrik events into Google Calendar : Fabrik events -> Google Calendar

The Zend documentation/manual/core/en/zend.gdata.calendar.html says
Creating events requires either an AuthSub or ClientAuth authenticated connection to the calendar server.
Is it the way the plugin works? Shouldn't i receive some logs?
Can you try just syncing from your gcal, see if that works?

I haven't looked at or used this code in ... well, since I wrote it a few years ago.

I just did a quick test of sync'ing from my test gcal, and it seems to work, except that all start/end dates are showing as midnight on Dec 31st 1969. :(

Am working on fixing that, then I'll start looking at syc'ing to gcal, see if the auth code in the plugin still works.

-- hugh
Any progress?

I'd like to know if your setup works with a simple one way sync, so I know if you have issues I'm not seeing here.

-- hugh
Hi, Zend VERSION = '1.12.3';

It does not work with simple way (either way).
Looks like there is no connection at all.
I'm in the middle of fixing the gcalsync stuff. My changes so far are in github, but aren't currently working, I've got another session to do on it. I just had to get them committed so I didn't lose them.

-- hugh
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