Is it possible to append csv data into table/list instead of deleting/reload?


New Member
When importing data into a list, I see the procedure by default does empty the table and reset all data. Is it possible to configure the import procedure in a way to use same procedure but just append data to existing? If yes, how?
I assume you mean the "Import" button in the backend "Fabrik:lists". This is for creating new lists only (you can't use an existing DB table).
Use the CSV import in your list view (frontend or backend)
In fact its about the CSV import in list view (frontend or backend) which I am asking...
Is there any solution to have this import to append data to the list?
Hmm, what do you see there?
There should be buttons "drop data" and "override" which are set to no per default.
Do you have a link to your list?

Fabrik is relying on Joomla's Boostrap2, maybe your Joomla template is conflicting. Try with the Protostar template coming with Joomla.
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