Labels next to fields in horizontal template

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The div list template is using <li> in the filter display.
So you could copy .../div/default_filter.php to your custom template and add some custom CSS
#listform_$c .fabrikFilterContainer li.fabrik_row {float:left}
I have them side by side now, but there is a number next to each of the labels. How do I get rid of the numbers? Also, because the filters cascade, the behavior for clearing them is not intuitive. How do I create a clear filter button?

One more thing: I would like to put some explanatory text next to each of the labels (i.e., First select Region...Next select Town); is this possible?
I assume it's a list-style setting, try
#listform_$c .fabrikFilterContainer li {list-style:none}
(you can check and test CSS modification with firefox+firebug addon)

Clear filter button: should be there (did you hide it with your custom template?)

Explanatory text: I would put it in the list intro.
If you want to modify the filter labels themselves you can do it in your template with some string handling.
It would also help if we could see your page. Anything to do with CSS, it's pretty much a given that we'll need to see it to make the right suggestions.

-- hugh
Sorry about that:

I figured out the clear filter addition using this post: and this code:
<div class="fabrikFilterContainer">
<table class="filtertable fabrikList">

	$c = 0;
	foreach ($this->filters as $filter) {
			$required = $filter->required == 1 ? ' notempty' : '';?>
			<?php echo ($c % 2). $required;?>
			<?php echo $filter->label;?>
			<?php echo $filter->element;?>
	<?php $c ++;
	} ?>
	<input type="button" class="clearFilters" value="<?php echo JText::_('Clear Filter');?>"
			name="filter" />
	<?php if ($this->filter_action != 'onchange')	{?>
	<?php echo $c % 2;?>
	<input type="button" class="fabrik_filter_submit button" value="<?php echo JText::_('COM_FABRIK_GO');?>"
			name="filter" />
	<?php }?>

I also figured out the custom label by opening the element in the back end and putting the text I want in: List settings>header label.

But I still can not figure out how to get the numbers to go away next to the labels. I used firebug, but when I hover over the numbers, nothing is identified.

Please advise!
List settings>header label
This will be ok as long as you don't need the "list header" labels as list headings.

You filter code is a bit strange, in this case it may work, but in general it's no good idea to take only some parts of a code (e.g. without displaying ids).
$required = $filter->required == 1 ? ' notempty' : '';?> <?php echo ($c % 2). $required;?>
This part is originally used to compose a CSS class name including a number, so you are displaying now just the number.
I got rid of the numbers, but in order to get rid of the ajax-loader.gif which is messing with the spacing of my first label and its element in the filter ("region/city), I had to enter the following in custom.css:

#locations___townvalue_loading {

I realize I have butchered the default_filter.php. I basically want the filter to look like the filter you guys have on the Fabrik downloads page. Would it be possible to share the code from that default_filter.php file, so I can start over and do it right? Or should I just live with what I have, because it is working?

Here is where I am now for better or worse:

<div class="fabrikFilterContainer">
<table class="filtertable fabrikList">
Find the places near you...
<?php echo " &nbsp " ?>
<?php echo " &nbsp " ?>
    $c = 0;
    foreach ($this->filters as $filter) {
            $required = $filter->required == 1 ? 'notempty' : '';?>
            <?php echo $filter->label;?>
            <?php echo $filter->element;?>
    <?php $c ++;
    } ?>
    <?php echo " &nbsp " ?>
    <?php echo " &nbsp " ?>
    <input type="button" class="clearFilters" value="<?php echo JText::_('Clear Filter');?>"
            name="filter" />
    <?php if ($this->filter_action != 'onchange')    {?>
    <?php echo $c % 2;?>
    <input type="button" class="fabrik_filter_submit button" value="<?php echo JText::_('COM_FABRIK_GO');?>"
            name="filter" />
    <?php }?>
I just had a look, and the way we do it is with specific widths in the CSS for each class.

If you inspect that page with Firebug, you'll see what I mean.

Does your layout need to be resizable, or is it fixed width?

-- hugh
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