Fixed List not scrollable horizontally on smaller device: Fix


Active Member
Currently, the data in the List doesn't scroll horizontally (visible) on smaller devices, especially when there are multiple columns.

To address this issue, please modify the default.php file as follows:

File :


change line number of 64


<div class="fabrikDataContainer">

<div class="fabrikDataContainer table-responsive">

This change will add the table-responsive class to the fabrikDataContainer div, enabling horizontal scrolling for the list table on smaller devices.

PS: I have tried again to commit through bitbucket but getting error!!
Bitbucket should do. There was already a pull request from @lcollong.
Do you want to try once more?
You may need to fork or clone again, there was a change in the repo setup.
I tried multiple times but same error.

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 9.56.31 AM.png
Did you do a fresh fork and clone after April 28? The Fabrik repo was rebuilt at that time (for the last time) so perhaps the PR won't attach due to the commit hashes being rewritten.
@sunnyjey I created a new bitbucket account unrelated to my personal one or the fabrik one. I forked the fabrik repo to it, modified a file and was able to create a pull request without issue. I think perhaps the issue is as I pointed out above.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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