{mosmap} strange fabrik behavior


New Member
Hi ,
i have integrated a fabrik search form with the native joomla articles , after a search in the list everithing looks OK exept that for some reason on the bottom of the page i get listed also half of the code from all the listed articles.

The code listed starts from the point where i have the google maps placeholder :

<p>{mosmap lat=' 35.503579'|lon=' 23.866813'| zoom='10'|zoomType='Large'|zoomNew='0'|mapType='Terrain'|showMaptype='1'| overview='0'|text='Provarma Hills, (Villa)|tooltip='Provarma Hills, (Villa)|marker='1'| align='center'}</p>

If i disable the mosmaps plugin it works fine but thats not something i want to consider.

The other work around i manage to do is to unpublish the content_fulltext from the list.
"mosmap" is the joomla plugin_googlemap3 "Google Maps by Reumer" , i added the missing closing ' but thats was not the problem.

It apeares only when i have the above plug-in Published or i have the activation placeholder {mosmap} in dbprefix_content__fulltex in any of the listed articles.

The strange thing is that even if i have the dbprefix_content__fulltext hidden in the List View it still causes the problem not until i unpublish it.
There is also an error.

window.addEvent('domready', function () {
var list = new FbList('2', --- Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL.

and the search form stops responding.

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