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multi page form - next button is running in validation "loop"


Hi all,

I created an evaluation form with multiple pages an I am facing an issue when coming from a list hitting ADD button. When I click on the button "next" an overlay with Validating and running circle appears but never steps forward. The form hangs.

Any idea what could be wrong?
A multipage form is validating if you are going to the next page. So this "Ajax Validation" is ok.
Try to disable your elements (resp. the validations) one by one to see what happens.
Is it on a new record (maybe some default is missing)?
Does the error show which resource should be loaded?
thanks for your support,
but after deactivation element by element at at the end just having one element in the second tab without any validation active, same error as before.
Also giving the radio element a default value, does not change anything.
I got only the error message post before
yes I did, and no error in 2 cases:
- without multipage
- tab layout

only multipage coming from List -> Add, the error is occurring.

Would it help if you had access to the site, maybe you see more?