Navigation on Multiple Page Form



Is there a way to navigate (or create new buttons) in Multiple Page Form so we can go back to page1, page2, etc in place of go back to each page form until we reach the one we want?

Thanks in advance.
You can use the tabs template (I think you have to reset your groups to pagebreak=no)
I think I fixed that - in order to allow multiple groups on one tab (but it may have been in my mega PR which was just too big for Rob to test and so fell on stony ground).

So, if none of the groups have pagebreak=yes then each group is on a separate tab - otherwise, tabs are equivalent to pages.

(If this is not the case i.e. my fix isn't in there, then let me know and I will recreate it as a separate fix.)
I'll try, but i'm having problems setting up the form in tabs... the pages just show one under another and not really in tabs.
Any clue?
OK, i think i found the reason... from the Fabrik Help on Forms.

I'm using Fabrik 3.1.rc2 on Joomla 2.5. Do you think that this might be the problem?

Multi-page Forms(top)
You need a form with multiple groups to create a multi-page form:
create at least one group for every form page, in group settings set "Page break" = yes
Note in Fabrik 3.0.x mutlipage forms are not compatible with the tabs template
Yes - the tabs functionality is basically a bootstrap functionality. You could try installing an extension which provides bootstrap and see if that helps. Unfortunately, I use F3.1 on J3.2 so I have no experience of F3.1 on J2.5.