Need help with installation decision...2.0 or 3.0b


New Member
Dear Forum users,

I have used Fabrik on a previous project that ran successfully (Joomla 1.5), and wanted to start a new one. I started fresh with a new domain, new hosting account (, fresh install of Joomla (1.7) (details below).

I got Joomla all running fine, very basic install, no templates.

Then I figured I'ld try start with the latest Fabrik (3.0b). I downloaded the .zip (, and went merrily forward into the Extensions manager, and tried installing the .zip.

Well, I quickly discovered file permissions were not open enough, so, after tracking through multiple installs (uninstalling each time), 777ing directories as I went, I finally got what seemed to be a successful install. Great!

Next, I went int the new Fabrik admin screens (look great BTW), to start creating a list, very simple, and then thought I'ld import a .CSV file (with the data I wanted to manage), and let Fabrik create fields from it. Well, things looked pretty good until I hit the importcsv problem referenced elsewhere on this site.

OK, well, I went back through all the locations where I thought php managed/uploaded files would be managed, checked file permissions, but no fix.

Checked the forum and found that there was a bug fix to the package, and that the source was no longer in SVN, but in github. So, I went and found the latest and greatest, unpacked it onto a local directory, and started doing file compares to the installed files on the webserver.

Then things started to get rough. First, I noticed that there were quite a few file changes (moving to 11.2 Platform, etc). Then I noticed that the install created all the files, owned by nobody (99.99). When I tried to upload new files, security prevented it, and I didn't have ownership of the files, so I couldn't update them.

I asked my host to chown the entire directory structure below /public_html to my user ID, so I could completely uninstall Fabrik, clean up temp directories etc.

No, my question. I have already spent many hours on trying to get this up and running, I'm willing to work but I am now gunshy about moving to the alpha stuff, since everything is put in as nobody, and I can't update files.

What version should I start with on top of Joomla 1.7? Can I go back and start with 2.0 (whatever the latest is), hoping that will install and I can move forward with the project, and possibly upgrade later to 3.0 when it's ready? I can stand some pain, but I basically want to deliver an app to a non-profit, and can't afford to burn through piles of time hammering on installs.

I'm very hesitant to just turn the Extension manager loose with a new package, since it sets file ownership to nobody, and I hate bugging the site admin to change things for me...kind of embarrassing.

Suggestions? What version of Fabrik should I install so I can move forward? I want to stay on Joomla 1.7, so I don't have to go backward, and then forward again later.

(Detailed environment info below).

Thanks for your suggestions.


Joomla! 1.7.3 Stable [ Ember ] 14-Nov-2011 14:00 GMT
Joomla Platform 11.2.0 Stable+Modified [ Omar ] 27-Jul-2011 00:00 GMT
PHP Version 5.2.11
PHP Built On Linux 2.6.18-274.7.1.el5 #1 SMP Thu Oct 20 16:21:01 EDT 2011 x86_64
Database Version 5.1.58
Web Server Apache
Open basedir /home/nsyoungl:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp
tmp_path /home/nsyoungl/public_html/tmp (checked permissions here, all clear)
I've checked Joomla->Site->SystemInformation directory permissions and they are all writeable.
Thanks, troester. I'll work on making sure the FTP layer is working correctly, and then try again with Fabrik2.0b, and GitHub. I'll let you know how it goes.
OK, thanks for the tip on using the FTP Layer, and uploading the new GitHub. It seems to be basically working. I have created a table, and imported a CSV datafile, which was the goal for tonight. I'm trying to export the same table back out again as a CSV file, and it's only giving me an empty file, but I figure that's a different problem.

Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.