Old Stickies - [Archive]

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Old Sticky's

All the following information has been either superseded or no longer applies.

It has been put here for archive purposes and to prevent confusion in the 'sticky' section.

It may save you some reading time as well. ;)

Two important maual fixes for Fabrik 3 pre-alpha

03-04-2011, 10:13 AM - Rob

A couple of show stoppers have come out from the fabrik 3.0pre-alpha release:

1) The database join element was missing from the package. Its attached here, so please download, install and publish it.

2) It seems like the new database drivers are not copied over into their correct location upon install, so please manually copy

"mysql_fab.php" (and "mysqli_fab.php")

from \components\com_fabrik\dbdriver to



  • plg_fabrik_element_databasejoin_3.0pre-alpha2.zip
    20.3 KB · Views: 431
SQL Updates

05-04-2011, 08:42 AM - Rob


AS of 4th March 2011, if you have a previous install and are updating via the svn you will need to run this sql query to update your database:

ALTER TABLE `jos_fabrik_joins` CHANGE `table_id` `list_id` INT( 6 ) NOT NULL
3.0 pre-alpha released

03-02-2011, 12:34 AM - Rob

Today we are releasing the first pre-alpha version of Fabrik 3.0.

Fabrik 3.0 is for Joomla 1.6 only and will not run in previous versions, if you want to use Joomla 1.5 please continue using Fabrik 2.0

By pre-alpha we really do mean that this is NOT TO BE USED ON A PRODUCTION SITE!

By releasing now we are hoping our community can test and report as many issues as possible
This release is currently only available to bronze and silver subscribers. This is so that we can initially limit the number of people giving us feedback. Alpha onwards releases will be available to all users.

You can download Fabrik 3.0 from here:


There are 2 files:

com_fabrik_3.0pre-alpha.zip - this will install com_fabrik - with no plug-ins

pkg_fabrik_3.0pre-alpha.zip - this ?all in one installer? will install com_fabrik, modules, and all Fabrik plug-ins.

You may need to install these files from a directory rahter than trying to upload them directly as they are fairly large in size

Please note that we are aware that the installer produces warning regarding failed file deletion, however the installation itself should succeed.
Great So What Next?

What we love about Fabrik is the logo! We no..... whilst the logo?s nice and all, what we really love is the community!
We?ve got to the stage where we need to test Fabrik 3 to the point where we can confidently release a stable version. For that we need YOU!YOU!
Yes, YOU! Any bug you find please report in this forum


Please be as precise as possible with a description of the issue you encountered. Really what we would like is a step by step process we can follow to replicate the issue. A video (use jing it rocks!) of the issue is often the quickest and most eloquent means of communication.

We are not providing subscriber support on issues in Fabrik 3 just yet, so we will prioritise issues which are replicable (i.e. in which you have given us all the information), and which we deem urgent.

Also any feature that is in Fabrik 2 that we have missed out should be reported in the forum.

We also need help on translating the new language files, see below for more information on the changes which have been made to them.

What?s NOT changed from Fabrik 2.0?
Perhaps you might think it a little odd to start with what?s not changed, but its actually quiet important.
The move from Fabrik 1 to Fabrik 2 was a complete rewrite, pretty much in the same vein that Joomla 1.5 from Joomla 1 was a complete rewrite. However, in Fabrik 3.0 the vast majority of Fabrik?s core engine has been left relatively similar to Fabrik 2.0. We wanted to build on the 3 years of work that went into Fabrik 2.0
What?s changed from Fabrik 2.0?

While some things have stayed the same, others have been dramatically revised. Here?s some of the highlights:
?Tables? renamed to ?lists?

One of the confusing things for users (and us!) was that Fabrik table?s behave more like database views and not like database tables. Whilst we were unable to rename them to ?views?, as Joomla uses the word ?view? to load its own views, we have renamed ?tables? to ?lists?. Although that might seem like an innocuous change, it involved changing a lot of file names, class names and variable names throughout the codebase!

We?ve removed the idea that fabrik has its own plug-ins and are now using Joomla?s plug-in system. Fabrik plug-ins are now located in the following folders:
  • plugins/fabrik_cron
  • plugins/fabrik_element
  • plugins/fabrik_form
  • plugins/fabrik_list
  • plugins/fabrik_validationrule
  • plugins/fabrik_visulaization

They are installed and managed via Joomla?s standard installer page

We?ve also removed the ?fabrik? prefix from in-front of the plug-in folders as this seemed redundant.

One thing to note is that as a plug-in?s settings are reusable (each field plug-in has different settings) we have had to movedthe plug-in parameters to a separate file,


We now use Joomla 1.6?s ini language file structure and naming conventions. So a translation related to com_fabrik might look like this:


As you can see the placeholder is prefixed with ?COM_FABRIK? and the rest of the placeholder is alphanumeric or with underscores. The translatable text is encased in quotes.

The language files are now located within their component or plug-in folder, so for com_fabrik this is:


and for a plug-in they are located in:


Both front end and back end plug-in translations are found in the same file.


We?ve rewritten the administration part of Fabrik to use Joomla 1.6?s administration structure. This means that there are now administration models and that nearly all of the administration form rendering is performed from the models/forms/model.xml file.

We have also added support for Joomla 1.6?s trash concept, so users can trash lists,forms,elements without them being physically removed from the underlying database (of course you can still empty the trash if you want to permanently delete them)

Joomla 1.6 has a greatly improved ACL sysmte from Joomla 1.5. We?ve updated Fabrik?s ACL handling to match the changes, giving you finer control over what any group of users can do with in Fabrik.

This has been one of the features that has been missing in Fabrik 2.0.x and it is something we have taken a long time over trying to get right. We need a lot more testing on this feature before it can be considered stable but here?s the lowdown on how it works:

In the administration Package page, you can select lists , forms or visualizations which are dragged and dropped into a tabbed interface. Tab?s can be easily added or removed.
Once dropped in a tab, the list/form/visualization placeholder can be resized and moved to the required location.
Lists/forms/visualizations can be assigned to more than one package.

When viewing the package in the front end you see exactly the same layout as that defined in the administration page.

Packages can also be exported as component zip files, which can then be installed via Joomla?s standard plug-in installer page. Once installed they have their own admin page (for now that?s just a placeholder), and you can create menu items directly to the package, just like any other Joomla component. The only restriction is that you must have fabrik installed on the site for them to work.

Under the hood the component makes its own set of fabrik database tables from which it runs, ensuring that the data integrity between installed packages is maintained.
The package component is mainly just a wrapper around the standard Fabrik package view, however, we now extend Joomla?s database classes to allow for the Fabrik engine to get forms/lists etc from the packages specific database tables.

JSON data storage

We?ve simplified the way that we store repeating data, so rather than using our custom delimiters such as ?|-|? we now store data using json (JavaScript Object Notation). This makes the data more readily exportable from Fabrik to external applications and greatly eases the handling of that data within Fabrik itself.
Update manager

We will be using Joomla?s new update manager to release new versions of Fabrik, this means that you should be able to go to extensions->extension manager, select the update tab and check for newer versions directly from within your Joomla administration pages.

New ?F3? List Template

This template is very experimental at the moment and will only really render well in Firefox (webkit support (Safari/chrome) is definitely possible but I?ve not had the time to look at that yet)

The aim was to try to produce a template which resembles iTune?s interface by using a combination of CSS3, Javascript and the canvas tag.

It allows for re-sizable columns, and the table overflow is scrollable, so no matter what size data you want to show the content will always fit inside your Joomla template.

The use of CSS gradients and rounded corners gives it that ?iTunes? brushed metal look, and the button icons were produced using svg images.
New required system plugin

08-24-2011, 09:42 AM- Rob

For those of you checking out from github as of the 24th Aug 2011 there is a new Fabrik system plugin, which you will need to 'discover' and 'install' from the extensions manager.
(remember also that you need to publish it as well)
This light plugin just loads some class overrides and initiates fabrik's defines. It was moved here as loading the classes when the component loads was causing issues with the new admin list module I'm working on.

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