Order by in dbjoin not working

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Hubstaff freelancer
I have a dbjoin with a nested query. I want the multi-select drop down to order the numbers. The parent list element is rad_serialassets___serial_number and the list with the dbjoin is rad_rentals___serial. First I tried:
WHERE {thistable}.id IN (SELECT a.id FROM rad_serialassets AS a LEFT JOIN rad_rentals_repeat_serial AS b ON a.id = b.serial WHERE b.parent_id = "{rad_rentals___id_raw}") OR {thistable}.available = 1 order by "{rad_rentals___serial_raw}" DESC
The I tried
WHERE {thistable}.id IN (SELECT a.id FROM rad_serialassets AS a LEFT JOIN rad_rentals_repeat_serial AS b ON a.id = b.serial WHERE b.parent_id = "{rad_rentals___id_raw}") OR {thistable}.available = 1 order by "{rad_serialassets___serial_number_raw}" DESC
None of them work. Using {thistable}.serial throwed an error and the page didin't even load. How can I order those numbers in the drop down?
1. oder by inside an IN subquery won't do anything, it doesn't matter if you have IN (1,2,3) or IN (3,2,1)
2. order by "{rad_rentals___serial_raw}": what should this do, it will become something like order by "5", you'll need a DB column name, no placeholder

Enable and use fabrikdebug to see which queries are used in the end.
I've decided to use the List settings and set the 'Order by' to use the 'Serial_number'. Though not perfect this some sorting taking place. The serial are first grouped by the first few digits. From there it's sorted in ascending order:

I also went into phpmyadmin and changed the order of the columns. This was recommended on Stackexchnage. Here is the url: https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/140941/is-it-possible-to-reorder-tables-in-phpmyadmin The first column gets sorted in ascending order:

Now the dbjoin looks like this:

The serials are being grouped by the first few digits and then sorted. I can live with that.


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