Path being added to field



sure I have come across this before but can not remember how I fixed it so here is the problem.
I have a form which collects some data including a text field which has some code for an imagemap typed/pasted into it. The form works fine but when the data is submitted and I check the record the imagemap code has had a path inserted into it so the field has something like this entered into it:

<img src="<cfoutput>#attributes.imagemapurl#</cfoutput>" width="170" height="266" border="0"

usemap="#map" />

<map name="map">
<area shape="rect" coords="101,88,145,197" alt="Lounge" href="lounge.html" />
<area shape="rect" coords="17,19,150,67" alt="Kitchen" href="kitchen.html" />

When I check the record in fabrik it looks like this:

<img src="/<cfoutput>#attributes.imagemapurl#</cfoutput>" width="170" height="266" border="0"

usemap="#map" />

<map name="map">
<area shape="rect" coords="101,88,145,197" alt="Lounge" href="/" />
<area shape="rect" coords="17,19,150,67" alt="Kitchen" href="/" />

So it looks like the base path is being inserted by Fabrik/Joomla when the form is submitted. Any ideas on this one?


I can't see this on my site.
Maybe your editor is adding path information.
Where did you see the path:
editor showing HTML source, directly in phpMyAdmin, site source code?
update to issue

Hi, thanks for that I can see the added path in the field when I view the record in Fabrik and in the field contents when I look at the database using HeidiSQL and PHPMyAdmin.

It seems like when entering the data into the field and first saving the record all is well but the path is being added when I try to edit the record or save it as a copy. The path being added is actually the physical path to my base joomla installation for the project.

The field is a plain text field, I am not using an editor on it as I knew it would contain snippets of html and reckoned that using any kind of editor or rich text element would cause an issue.

Well I am still puzzled but thats not unusual for me :D

I'd check if you have any Joomla content or system plugins active that might be effecting the content of the form when editing the data.

Try editing your form and set options->Process Joomla plug-ins to 'no' as well

Finally check what Joomla content (global settings -> text filters) filtering options you have set up for the user editing the record, and perhaps change them to be more lenient.
If I set "Relative URLs"=NO in JCE editor I can see exactly your effect.
Do you have any plugin inserting absolute URLs?
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