Plugin dropdown does not display

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I am encountering an issue, where the stored information does not get displayed when viewing record, though the information is visible in table as well as in form while editing.

I have updated the plugin code from github but the problem persists.

Advise will be appreciated
I'm not seeing that one, perhaps its a template issues? can you point us at the page in question please?

Link where you can view the page not displaying dropdown

Check the listing at

In the list you can see the status, while editing the dropdown options are visible, but in view the stored result is not displayed.

Please advise - below is the code of the lines displaying information

<li class="fabrikElementContainer dropdown fabrikDataEmpty" style="clear:both;">
<div class="leftCol">
<label class="fabrikLabel " for="db_state___status_ro">Status</label>
<span class="fabrikErrorMessage"></span>
<div class="fabrikElement">
<div id="db_state___status_ro"></div>
After update from github - dropdown element displays value instead of label


Thanks for making changes. but still there is need to look at it.

After update from github - dropdown element displays value instead of label

I use multiple options for status
0 Inactive
1 Active
2 Reserve

While viewing record value is displayed instead of Label
Sorry the bug of label not getting displayed in dropdown in view still exists

Sorry the bug of label not getting displayed in dropdown in view still exists

I tested with the code @github and couldn't replicate, I have done some work on these types of elements over the weekend so perhaps that has fixed your issue.
I'm not 100% sure what page you refer to when you say this:

Sorry the bug of label not getting displayed in dropdown in view still exists
but I was presuming the details view?

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