Pre-filter using NOW() no longer working with Fabrik 3.8.1

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Steven Pryer
I've recently upgraded Fabrik to 3.8.1 (via GitHub) and I've found that the following List pre-filters don't work as expected.

I want to create a pre-filter based on a date field, specifically to show records where the value for a date field is 'Greater than' today (i.e. in the future). Previously I could use NOW() or CURDATE() in the Value field for the WHERE join, but now they don't seem to work. If I replace NOW() with 2018-03-02 then all works as expected.

Any help would be much appreciated :)
There has been indeed changes regarding dates in pre-filtering, but NOW() should work. just make sure you use "no quotes" as type when using NOW().
This is a slightly different request, but do you know what type I should use for single dates? And indeed what format those dates can be in? I've tried the following but can't quite get the combination with the different types right:
  • "2018-02-01 00:00:00"
  • 2018-02-01 00:00:00
  • 2018-02-01
  • "2018-02-01"
I'm trying to pre-filter for records Less than or equal to a date. I've searched online, and looked at my notes, but can't work this out.

Many thanks for any help :)
There has been indeed changes regarding dates in pre-filtering, but NOW() should work. just make sure you use "no quotes" as type when using NOW().
2018-02-01 00:00:00
Apply to = Public (or whatever you need)

should do.

For debugging set "Allow Fabrik Debug"=YES in Fabrik Options/Debugging
Then append &fabrikdebug=1 (resp. ?fabrikdebug=1 if there's no other URL parameter) to you list URL.
Depending on your list setup you'll find the genereted query by clicking on
"table:mergeJoinedData get ids" or "list GetData:your-list-name"
Thank you so much Troester! This has been driving me batty for the last hour :)
I will update my notes accordingly!
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