Problem List - Error 500 - SOLVED


Dear Colleagues,

I can't access the data via "List"...

The "Form" is working perfectly and the records are being written correctly in the "DataBase"...

I've already created another "List" pointing to the DB table and even so the error continues...

I've searched the forum for a possible solution, but nothing...

Can someone help me???...

Enable Fabrikdebug in Fabrik Options, then append &fabrikdebug=1 to your list URL. You should get a more detailed error message.
Enable Fabrikdebug in Fabrik Options, then append &fabrikdebug=1 to your list URL. You should get a more detailed error message.


Below, with Debug Joomla System enabled:

SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`id` AS `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps___id`,
`cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`id` AS `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps___id_raw`,
`cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`date_time` AS `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps___date_time`,
`cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`date_time` AS `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps___date_time_raw`,


`cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`q07_41_259` AS `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps___q07_41_259_raw`,
`cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`id` AS slug
, `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`id` AS `__pk_val`

FROM `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`
LEFT JOIN `` ON ``.`` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`q04_32_198`
LEFT JOIN `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais` AS `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais` ON `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais`.`idConsultor` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`consultor`
LEFT JOIN `` AS `_0` ON `_0`.`` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`q07_37_240`
LEFT JOIN `cad_mun_ibge` AS `cad_mun_ibge` ON `cad_mun_ibge`.`cod_mun` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`regional_saude`
LEFT JOIN `cad_mun_ibge` AS `cad_mun_ibge_0` ON `cad_mun_ibge_0`.`cod_mun` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`macrorregional`
LEFT JOIN `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais` AS `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais_0` ON `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais_0`.`idMun` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`idMun`
LEFT JOIN `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais` AS `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais_1` ON `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais_1`.`cod_cnes` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`idCnes`
LEFT JOIN `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais` AS `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais_2` ON `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais_2`.`nome_unid_mun` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`idUnid`
LEFT JOIN `cad_planifica_tutores_municipais` AS `cad_planifica_tutores_municipais` ON `cad_planifica_tutores_municipais`.`cpf_tutor` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`tutor`
LEFT JOIN `#__users` AS `fses_users` ON `fses_users`.`id` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`idUser`
ORDER BY `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais_0`.`nome_municipio` ASC, `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais_2`.`nome_unid_mun` ASC
Obviously you have something like "empty" joins
LEFT JOIN `` ON ``.`` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`q04_32_198`
LEFT JOIN `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais` AS `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais` ON `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais`.`idConsultor` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`consultor`
LEFT JOIN `` AS `_0` ON `_0`.`` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`q07_37_240`
Did you e.g. unpublish or delete elements/lists/tables used originally in these joins?
Obviously you have something like "empty" joins
LEFT JOIN `` ON ``.`` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`q04_32_198`
LEFT JOIN `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais` AS `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais` ON `cad_planifica_unidades_municipais`.`idConsultor` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`consultor`
LEFT JOIN `` AS `_0` ON `_0`.`` = `cad_planifica_aval_processos_aps`.`q07_37_240`
Did you e.g. unpublish or delete elements/lists/tables used originally in these joins?

@troester, thanks for the feedback...

All fields starting with "qxx_xx_xxx" are DropDown (single choice) elements, that is, there is no "JOIN" between these fields and other tables.

Regarding the fields with DataBaseJoin elements, I made a comparison with the last valid backup and everything is, with the same configuration of the elements.
Last edited:
Hmm, English would be helpful...
Do you really mean dropdown elements?
Or databasejoin elements rendered as dropdown (those ARE joins)?

Check again your element settings, in dbjoins make sure that table, value, label are selected correctly and re-save the element (I recall a situation where the JS loading these settings was not finished while saving the element, so saving it with missing parameters).
In list settings check the joins.

I assume you are NOT really running Fabrik3.9.2 and J!3.9.28 (as stated in your signature)?
Not sure what php7.4 would do with these versions.
1. Do you really mean dropdown elements?
Or databasejoin elements rendered as dropdown (those ARE joins)?

DropDown Elements, yes - Databasejoin, no...

2. I assume you are NOT really running Fabrik3.9.2 and J!3.9.28 (as stated in your signature)?

Joomla! 3.9.28 Stable and Fabrik 3.9.2

3. Not sure what php7.4 would do with these versions.

In production I use PHP 7.4.3, in test (localhost) I use 7.3.10

4. Check again your element settings, in dbjoins make sure that table, value, label are selected correctly and re-save the element (I recall a situation where the JS loading these settings was not finished while saving the element, so saving it with missing parameters).
In list settings check the joins.

The list has no joins.

Recent Fabrik is 3.10 and even this version is not officially php7 ready. Fabrik3.9.2 is for php5.
If you are running php7.x you should update from GitHub.

But I'm not sure if this is the reason for your issue.

Did you resave your elements?
Do you have some Advanced/Eval populate code?
Did you switch these dropdown elements from element type/plugin databasejoin to dropdown at some point (e.g. by unlinking child elements and then doing such modifications)?
Are you looking at the correct list and elements (working with list copies and parent/child elements with identical names may be confusing)?
Dear colleagues,

After several hours checking element by element (289 DropDown Elements), and following @troester's guidelines, I managed to find 03 "corrupted" elements.

The problem was in the validation, in the case "No Empty".

Deleted the validation, saved the element, and voilà, the list was back up and running.

I returned the element and added the validation again and the list continued to work.

Now, why only 03 elements get corrupted, I can't explain.

Can someone explain so we can understand better and thus be able to help others in the future???...