Required field


How to make a list-box (in a form) a required field, but with no value selected or the text "Select.." shown? My listboxes always shows the first selection in the list-box. I can make the field required (notempty validation plugin), but it's not useful, if a value in the listbox always is selected. I want the user to do a active selection, not just save the form without validation warnings.
Set "show please select"=yes, value please select= e.g. 0 and a validation "is not" 0 (you need to install from GitHub) (or a php validation return $data!='0'; )
I feel a bit stupid, but I don't find the selection "show please select"=yes for my dropdown element. But I have many Fabrik plugins disabled. But not any useful to enable for this case I think.

Fabrik 3, 2 days old version from github.
Uuups, this was for the databasejoin.
In dropdown create one suboption value=0, label="please select", default checked, validation as above.
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