Restore Fabrik data from backup


Hello everyone,

I have just upgraded from Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.2 - was not aware of the warning to only upgrade to 3.1.6 :( this should be put on the download page.

I had issues with Fabrik throwing fatal PHP errors after the upgrade and had to un-install and reinstall Fabrik. This appears to be working fine now but all Fabrik list, elements, etc data has gone - I still have the DB tables.

I have a full backup of the site, is it possible to restore Fabrik data? Site was running Fabrik 3.1 rc2 before and after the upgarde.

Many thanks,
Un-install Fabrik would indeed delete all Fabrik databases, unless you change the default setting in the Fabrik Options. So lucky for you, you have a backup!
What kind of backup do you have? If it is an akeeba archive, you should restore the backup locally on your computer, the via phpMyAdmin, copy all the Fabrik (and Fabrik related) tables from the backup to the new site.
Hi jfquestiaux, thanks for your reply!

I do have a akeeba backup and access to the SQL files for a site restore. Do you know the list of Fabrik table names? Will help a lot with pulling out the correct lines in the text file.

Many thanks,
Thanks jfquestiaux, that was perfect!

Quick steps for anyone else who hits this issue:
  • Import all of your DB backup to a temp db and export only the fabrik tables
  • Replace #__ with <your site table name>_
  • Backup your live db
  • Drop all fabrik tables in your live db
  • Import the fabrik tables export from the temp db