

Task. Registered User#1 from user group 1 can fill a form. Registered user #2 from user group 2 can confirm that filled information by user 1 is correct. All users can see in a list: a) filled information, b) who is author of this info (name of user 1), c) who confirmed info (name of user 2). During or after filling none can change\edit for smb else neither name of user1, nor name of user2.
Shortly I mean signatures of 2 different users in one list\form.

I tried different ways to solve this task, but none suit all mentioned conditions. My last idea - to use one list for information of users from 1 group, and another list for 1) information of users from 1 group (databasejoin plugin elements), 2) additional information of users from 2 group. In this case it will be a huge number of databasejoin records, and I'm afraid it will slowdown site. Another inconvenience - if I need to add users from group 3,4 etc, it will be smth awful.

My question is - what is the best way to solve this task?
Please, write for my understanding!)
So, from my understanding of your requirement, I think the issue would be with the "confirming" user (#2), because if you set a user element to "update on edit", which is what you need in order to record the user who is confirming the information, it will remain editable, and would change if a third user came in and edited the record. And you can't control it with element access permissions, because those only apply to viewing access levels / J! groups, not individuals.

So it seems like what you are trying to achieve is a "write once" variation on "update on edit", which would essentially only allow that field to be changed on edit one time, by a user in "group 2" (although it would have to be controlled by access levels rather than individual groups, but that's just a case of creating custom !J access levels).

Am I understanding your requirement correctly?

-- hugh
Just FYI, if my understanding of your requirement is correct, I can't actually think of a way of doing this as-is, it would require some modifications to the user element, or some custom code, probably as a form submission plugin.

-- hugh
Thank you for reply! I think you has correct understanding this task. At the same time the idea to "write once" is already realised ( in general) by dividing between functions "add record" and "edit record". For example, a list 1, where only users from group 2 can just add records ( and nobody can edit), where main info comes (databasejoin elements) from a list 1, where only users from group 1 can only add record and nobody can edit them. I beleive that is a solution without coding, which I can realize by myself. If you agree with this idea, I should understand the risk of slowdown of web-pages with such list by a lot of databasejoin elements. Is it a real threatening? if so I should find another solution and ask for a new code. What is your opinion?
And by the way, let me know how much does it cost? I mean code for additional user element. I think it should be not very expensive and if so, I'll be glad to make a small input to Fabrik for free using of any Fabrik's users.
Could you not use the same List, just copy it and apply different permissions to the copy, rather than having two Lists / tables?

Remember that when you copy a List in Fabrik, it uses the same underlying MySQL table, just gives you a different "view" on to that table through Fabrik, which can be configured differently.

-- hugh
It was my primary plan, which I realized, then I met with problem and started this tread. For example, user from group 1 fills a shorter form (for a copy of list), and user plugin element fixes his name in a record. Then user from group 2 open full form (for original list) with second user plugin element, which fixes his name as author of additional record. BUT first user plugin element also changes for name of user 2, as it cannot work as "write once". Using different access of coping lists cannot help.
By the way, I'm afraid my previous assumption that I can solve it with a help of databasejoin element is not correct. This solution should base on overflow information from one row of a list1 to one row of a list 2. Databasejoin elements installed in a list 2 will propose a choice for every column of information from list 1 instead of providing no alternative overflow identical information. I cannot continue my project till I find solution, and I'm getting the needle.

Well, it looks like I have no other choice then a new code. Let's continue in this way ASAP
BUT first user plugin element also changes for name of user 2

Do you have the first user plugin set as "update on edit"? I would have thought that if you set that to No on the full form (the copy of the List that user 2 uses to edit existing rows), it shouldn't update when user 2 saves it?

-- hugh
Do you have the first user plugin set as "update on edit"?
I never used "update on edit", and it sounds for me that it upldate when smb edit. As I said there is nobody can edit, that's why it is not useful.

Well, I don't understand why nobody reply on my question about new code\plugin element. I asked Rob to look through this tread and no comment from him too. Guys, I'd like to remind that I had to stop my project till I find a solution, and one week I cannot see it. I respect comments end efforts of cheesegrits, but please, don't ignore my question about new code, it is important for me. Thank you in advance!

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