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Slow (ajax) loading


It might be related to this issue: http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.ph...opdown-update-after-hiding.38614/#post-194095

But my forms are getting very slow.

I use a lot of ajax calc elements and of course validations.
The form has been split in about 6 subforms (with next buttons) but it seems every validation is going through all elements in the form, not only the ones visible.

I might have missed things but would be nice to speed up everything. Running dual Xeons 12 core 96g mem and 3SSD in raid 5 is a serious machine, still waiting for a couple of elements to get calculated and validated.

There are no PHP issues but I can see a mootools error in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getScroll' of null

Any idea how to solve this or other ways to speed up all the ajax loading?

Looking at the loading of the pages, mootools + error is already adding 4 sec per page.
This would probably be quite hard to diagnose without somebody looking at the site. It only takes one rogue setting to slow everything down.

How many elements are we talking and how many calc elements?
Hugh already saw some mootools issues that needed to be fixed in Fabrik, not sure this is related. I've got about 150 elements, half of them is calc.
Don't forget that (ajax) validations of other elements also seem to take a lot of time.
Have you tested the response in different browsers?

The mooltools description for getScroll is

Returns an Object representing how far the target Element is scrolled in either direction. The following method is also available on the Window object.

So it may be related to your J template. Try adding ?template=protostar at the end of your URL and see if the error occurs.
Yes did try on diff browsers and OS. No real difference. Firefox does not show the error but shows also long load times. The strange thing is that I switched of Form (ajax) validation for testing but still see it happen in the network overview. Almost 5 sec waiting for something like http://offerte.xxxx.com/index.php?option=com_fabrik&format=raw&task=form.ajax_validate&form_id=54

I have switch of caching for testing, we have an extremely fast server and still......
I did run with PHP debug but will switch on Fabrik debug and see if that helps.
My input form consists of about 6 pages with in total something like 150 elements. It seems every time something is entered on a page, the whole form runs its validations and calcs / queries. Is this true / bydesign?

Wouldn't it be more efficient to limit it to the visible objects?
I'm not sure, without seeing the whole set-up I couldn't really advise. I probably couldn't looking at the set-up either, lol. One of the master would give better advice on that one.