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SOLVED: Keep URL parameter on list navigation


Well-Known Member

i am using F! 4 Gamma 3 with J!4.2.9.
I am using a custom link with parameters to point to another list in which the records will be filtered based on the URL parameter (index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=list&listid=45&Itemid=276&resetfilters=1&vw_rank_seniors___PID[value][]={vw_profiles___player_id_raw}) where the bold is an element on destination list which is used for the filtering. On that filtered list I am using Sourcener plugin (works great!) to put some php code in the Introduction.
However, whatever shown in the intro of that list is dissapead when I click on list navigation to show the next set of records (i have set it to show 20 records per page).
I wonder how it could be possible to keep the parameter so that whatever I have in the intro be kept regardless if i navigate.

I hope i explained it somehow :rolleyes:

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Reading your post again:
So the pagination is working (showing the next part of the filtered list) but only the URL param (which is used "outside" Fabrik) is missing?

Try with an additional URL param which is no Fabrik element, something like

and then use abc in Soucerer.
Reading your post again:
So the pagination is working (showing the next part of the filtered list) but only the URL param (which is used "outside" Fabrik) is missing?

Pagination is working fine but the URL parameter which is the element keeps the value used for filtering is missing and that means the code in the list Intro is invalid as long as the value is missing.
Try with an additional URL param which is no Fabrik element, something like

and then use abc in Soucerer.
The additional URL parameter of the non Fabrik element stays on pagination but same result. Moreover as the "abc" is not existed as an element how the list will be filtered based on this?
Hi @troester

as per your PM assigning 'vw_rank_seniors___PID' to a non Fabrik param like 'abc' did the trick.

For those who may encounter same issues with pagination and URL parameters the solution above worked.
I added the following alongside with my full code on the list intro:

$pid = (int)'{abc}';

where $pid is a variable used in my php code on list intro and holds the needed element for the list filering.

Thanks to @troester :)