[SOLVED]SQL error on concat CDD and filter on

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FabriKant d'applications web

Fabrik is generating a wrong sql with the following setup :
List display. Among columns included there is a CDD element belonging to a list joined table. Filter is on for this column and the data display setup is the following :
CONCAT ({thistable}.nom,' ',{thistable}.prenom_contact)

If I click on the colunm heading in order to sort the list, it throws an sql error. This sql is actually good if run in phpmyadmin except the final order by clause which is added twice. Indeed, the resulting CONCAT_WS is wrongly quoted. See the quote after the "))" instead of before.

Here is the final part of the wrong sql generated :

ORDER BY CONCAT_WS('',CONCAT (fk_contacts.nom,`' '`,`fk_contacts`.`prenom_contact))` desc,CONCAT_WS('',CONCAT (fk_contacts.nom,`' '`,`fk_contacts`.`prenom_contact))` desc

Site running J3.3.6 and F3.2 with a week ago github update.

Indeed. Sounds to be the same. I'll made a new github update later this day and keep inform.
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