[SOLVED] Vizualisation | FullCalendar | Custom Form template | TypeError: mainEr is null



By creating a new record or by editing one and saving it the spinner si going crazy and didn't stop :


Form need to be closed manually.

Firebug error is :

TypeError: mainEr is null
form.js (ligne 1164, col. 13)

Would appreciate some support here. Details can be find in "Site Name & Notes" -> LA NEPTUNE.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Cheers, Marc
Looks like that's because you've removed the .fabrikMainError div from your template. So when the submission JS runs, and tries to set or clear that, it blows up. That's one of those structural elements in a form template we always expect to be there.

I'll add some defensive code to the form.js to check that it exists before trying to set/clear it, but it'd be best to add it back to your template. In the standard bootstrap template, it's ...

<div class="fabrikMainError alert alert-error fabrikError<?php echo $active?>">
    <button class="close" data-dismiss="alert">?</button>
    <?php echo $form->error; ?>

-- hugh
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