Support for website


Active Member
I developed and support a club website that has a lot of custom functionality built using Fabrik. The club has decided to outsource the ongoing support to a specialist, so we aren't dependent on always having skills within the membership to look after it. I am having difficulty in finding someone to take it on because of the Fabrik elements, Joomla support companies generally regard it as too much of a learning curve for one customer.

Which brings me to the point of this post. Are there any UK based Joomla businesses in this community that would be willing to have a look at it? We would like basic maintenance for a fixed fee plus ad-hoc development from time to time. It isn't a huge amount of work, the site is mature and rock-solid.

The website is, but you can't access most of the functionality without a login. I will provide login credentials to anyone interested in quoting for this service.

Custom Fabrik functionality: membership management (account provisioning, account maintenance, Joomla and AcyMailing integration), business directory, member news/obituaries, member contact).