Suppress index.html from being created in a new directory on upload file



Is there a way to stop the index.html file being created when creating a new folder on file upload. Akeeba Release System sees every file in a folder as a downloadable file and we only want it to see ones we purposefully have uploaded. Security is already taken care of with .htaccess.


with Akeeba Admin, you can exclude folders or files in the security setup.

Under .HTaccess maker menu item, go to Exceptions section.
Hi p38

Thanks for your reply.

I would prefer to still find a solution that stops Fabrik from creating the index.html files in the first place, as there is no need and there could be a number of these uploads taking up valuable drive space.


This is a valuable security solution that prevents file injection in your site etc, so perhaps the Farbrik guys can add an option to switch it off in the element config if you really need it.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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