the % matter in the dates after updating


I am facing the Problem that the Year is shown as % , see here:

I read in the Migration about the PHP script to run, b ut what other Changes I might should do? as in your comment:

Dates - we have moved to use PHP's date()format options to keep in line with a change in Joomla's date handling. You should edit your date elements and update their formatting options. Alternatively you can try this (use at own risk): (Remark: this will only remove % from date format, but there have to be some more changes, e.g.%H:%M -->H:i etc)
You mean migration from Joomla2.5 to Joomla3 (not the recent Fabrik3.9 update), right?

As said in the WIKI:
you must edit all your date elements and change the formatting
edit all elements and change add/edit access, custom code etc
edit custom Javascript, php code
adapt templates

You can do this all manually or you can use one of the help scripts or the given queries
is doing a good part of it but depending on your settings it doesn't cover all (especially not JS stuff)
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