Validation rules for dummies


New Member
Dummy here. Does anyone have a clue how to create a validation rule, e.g., specific naming conventions? I don't speak the language and the documentation doesn't explain anything other than an example of a UK postal code.

One thing I would like to try as a spam deterrent is to have a question that must be answered specifically or else the form throws an error. For example, I might say "What color is the sky?" and the answer must always be "blue." I don't know if this is reasonable or if the spammers would figure it out. Regardless I don't know how to validate. Would the rule be "is blue" ?

Thank you for replying to that specific question. However to prevent having to ask every time there's a new possible rule, do you have a reference somewhere, or is there a web resource, that shows how to set these things up?

I followed this thread as "Dummy" accurately describes my capabilities with Fabrik as yet.

I am trying to create a value field, a number only, of maximum 12 characters. So I have created an alphnumeric field for my form, but for the life of me I cannot seem to get Validations to work.

I have tried all kinds of validations. The built in validations work (but as I can't see the code behind them in the Validation Rules Tables, I can't get clues to the syntax).

I have tried loading the Post Code example from the manual and testing with known UK postcodes, but they fail (I get my error message). I have tried the "(blue)" example given above and it fails. I conclude I am incorrectly doing something very basic.

Can anyone tell me exactly what to put where? ...please

i've studied ereg() for hours, tried everything out there, and can't get any validation rules to work!

tried with and without the carrot, tried with and without parentheses, with and without brackets, etc, etc, etc......

also tried [:alnum] instead of [0-9a-zA-Z].....nothing works!

what's going on here?
Can anyone help me with regex to validate a field that must include text?

Plus, I tested my form with a regex for alphanumeric characters, but I'm not getting any error message if the form fails the test. All that happens is that the form comes back with the data in the field.

I'd prefer at some point to see the error messages I put in the field.