autofill and table joins


Well-Known Member

this syntax from below is correct for using when tables are in join?

i tried following code (added to main table; same problem without adding join___35___), but nothing happen:


Main table: contracte_info_generale
Joined table: contracte_date_fixe.
The values for autofill are in table "contracte_tarife_date_fixe".

Work fine until i join tables.

Thank you
update: using firebug, i see this message:

autofill - couldnt find element to observe

the observe element is set to contracte_date_fixe.Date fixe (database join element)
Should be. Can you point me at the page? As usual with JS issues, that's the only way I can debug it.

-- hugh
OK, I think I've fixed it. if you test on your site with ?fabrikdebug=1 appended to the URL, it should work. That will force the page to load the non-compressed JS file, which I edited on your server (using exTplorer). Without the ?fabrikdebug=1 it'll be loading the minified version, which I have to build here and commit to github.

[5 minutes later]

The minified version is now built, and the fixes are in github. Update to latest, and you should be good to go.

-- hugh
cheesegrits, i'm sorry to open this tread again..but i can't make it work using repeat group option, i get the :

autofill - couldnt find element to observe

message.. but it work fine without repeat group option enabled.

P.S: if necessary, previously data sent to login in site remained the same
hugh forwarded me the PMs with the user name, but I can't seem to log in with them, have you removed our test user account? Could you double check the details and re-send me a PM please?

more info about this problem: i reentered all values to be sure that i don't missed something. Soon as i activated the "Repeatable" option, i get the error below in firebug:

autofill - couldnt find element to observe
this.element is null
Line 1

update: same test, but in Chrome:

autofill - couldnt find element to observe
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'strElement' of null in /aplicatii1/plugins/fabrik_form/autofill/autofill-min.js:1
sorry for the delay in replying
The map json object that should work is as follows:


I will update that parameters hover text to include this example

i don't know why, but it doesn't work, i get:

autofill - couldnt find element to observe
this.element is null
var Autofill=new Class({Implements:[Ev...ut[name=rowid]").value=a.__pk_val}}});

this is the code added:

I have the same issue but I can't get it to work on a form with a left database join let alone a left database join with a repeat group. Autofill did work on its own form . I have the autofill fields mapped correctly using the synta above. The field that it is watching is a database join element set to autocomplete.