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  1. tusa

    DB/Lists - What is the right way?

    I have this: Right now it is 3 db's. When you click at something i "manus" view, you'll get something in the view with "elementer" and when you click at something ing "elementer" you can se it in "element" The question is now, what is the right way to do this operation? "elementer" is a view...
  2. tusa

    [SOLVED] 12 arguments are required, 2 given

    I suddenly get this error? Have'nt done anything. best regards Tue
  3. tusa

    [SOLVED] summing another table row

    Am I doing anything wrong her: $myDb = JFactory::getDbo(); $myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true); $myQuery ->select('SUM(elementer_duration)') ->from('nemmanus_elementer') ->where('elementer_manus_id = ' . $myDb->quote('{nemmanus_manus___manus_titel}')); $myDb->setQuery($myQuery)...
  4. tusa

    [SOLVED] if and else in calc field?

    I'm trying to use if statement in a calc field, like this: $num = (int) '2'; if ('{nemmanus_elementer___elementer_nummer}' > $num) { $thisDur = new DateTime('{nemmanus_elementer___elementer_duration}'); $thisDurFormat = $thisDur->format('H:i:s'); return $thisDurFormat; } else { $db =...
  5. tusa

    calculation of time from row above?

    I'm trying to reproduce this in database view The first column is time for specefic element. In the first row, the second coloumn is just the time (that's not a problem) $thisDur = new DateTime('{nemmanus_elementer___elementer_duration}'); $thisDurFormat = $thisDur->format('H:i:s'); return...
  6. tusa

    [SOLVED] content plugin?

    Hello folks. I have downloaded the content plugin and istalled it. I use the JCE editor. When I put {fabrik view=list id=1} in the code editor it wrappes <p></p> around. I think I now has mangaed to get rid of that, but still nothing hapens, on my site. In frontend I just see {fabrik view=list...
  7. tusa

    View with 3 list

    How to make one view that shows 3 lists at the same time?
  8. tusa

    How to do this?

    I have made these lists, but how to connect the fields as shown, is that with joints? Best regards Tue.
  9. tusa

    separate date and time fileds?

    Is it possible to make separate date and time fields in database, and if, then how?
  10. tusa

    how to make datatype float?

    How do I make float as datatype? Best regards Tue.
  11. tusa

    [SOLVED] Using variables in list view?

    Hello. I have a link with variables in. How can I use the variable manuskript_id=1 to show only the manuskript with 1 and not 2? It's a database join field... Brg Tue.
  12. tusa

    [SOLVED] Missing icons edit/show/delete in frontend?

    Why are they missing in frontend? Do I have to put them in a special folder or anything like that?
  13. tusa

    [SOLVED] Hide elements in form?

    Might be me that can't find it? How can I hide some fields in the form, but show them in the list only? brg Tue.
  14. tusa

    calc field, sum column error?

    Hello. I have a calc field whree I calculate hours. I usw a select command: SELECT TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(TIME_TO_SEC('{fab_timeregistrering___slut}') - TIME_TO_SEC('{fab_timeregistrering___start}')), '%H:%i') It calculate the hours between 2 date/time field. How can I calculate across 2...
  15. tusa

    extract dayname and date in list view?

    I have a form with a date field. In the list view I want to show the dayname and date. Wich field can I use to extract the dayname from the date field in the listview?
  16. tusa

    Github update?

    How do you update fabrik from Github? Seems that I?m not doing it correct, my joomla can?t find any udates!
  17. tusa

    databasejoin dropdown

    I have 2 tables: Company Contacts In company I have made a databasejoin dropdown box to show names in contacts. How can I show the data stored in contacts at the with the names? Is it possible?
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