After Upgrading Fabrik and Joomla to Latest Release Getting Error '0' syntax error, unexpected

I am not sure of the customary way to ask this through a forum but what we be looking to get the site setup there and then to be able to step through the code. What is most unfortunate is that a plugin that has nothing to do with your solution is impacting it. By not knowing which one means that I am not able to single that one out. I believe I am pretty much using all of them except for cobalt 8 which can be removed. I am sure for you this is like a needle in a hay stack for me this is like 100 haystacks and one needle if you know what I mean. I am more then willing to learn how to debug this solution but am not sure where to start on that front. I have been using Google developer tools to poke around and I have been able to use it to help with some of the stuff I have been doing in Fabrik, but not much else.
What is most unfortunate is that a plugin that has nothing to do with your solution is impacting it

Yup. But that's just an occupational hazard of Joomla extensions. Lots of programmers sharing the same sandbox.

You don't seem to have Akeeba installed? If you want me to debug this locally, you'll need to install it, and do a full backup.

Usually I'd charge a set hour's fee. But if you'd like to bump your account up to Pro for a couple of months, I'll take a look at this as part of Pro support. It'd usually be outside the scope even of Pro, but I'm always interested in finding which other extensions mess with our AJAX / JSON code, so I can get the authors to fix it, so it won't cause us headaches in the future. So there is some self-interest here.

-- hugh
I will working on getting Akeeba installed as well as the bump to pro. Once completed I will let you know.

I am also very interested as knowing which one helps with future upgrades and test plans after upgrading.

Let me know if you think of anything else you may need.


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Akeeba is installed and backing up as I am typing this message. As for the upgrade to pro would it be possible that you email me with what you are looking for me to do. I want to make sure I use the correct process to upgrade from standard to pro. I was not sure that with the existing subscription if I should be doing this trough my account or go through subscribe.

Hugh, just wanted to check back on that information. Want to make sure I get that last piece in place for you.

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I did not want to be the cause of any delays so I went ahead and subscribed for Pro Monthly recurring. So we should be good to see what is going on under the hood. Let me know if you need anything.

Sorry, didn't see your posts last night.

Well, this is frustrating. I've installed your site here, and ... it doesn't break here. It returns that JSON string un-molested. I've spent a couple of hours going through everything I can think of as to why it might behave differently here, but so far no joy. I had to tweak a couple of things to get it to work here - turn off LDAP auth, and use 'file' instead of 'wincache' for caching, but those shouldn't affect this.

I'll have another hack at it tomorrow.

-- hugh
No problem, that is crazy. I wonder if we should be looking out of the box. PHP/PHP Config, Web Server Apache vs IIS, Maybe a global configuration setting of the site. Now that you have the site setup in your environment I wonder what some of the obvious differences are.

No problem, that is crazy. I wonder if we should be looking out of the box. PHP/PHP Config, Web Server Apache vs IIS, Maybe a global configuration setting of the site. Now that you have the site setup in your environment I wonder what some of the obvious differences are.

Okay, So I have been able to make some progress. When you indicated that you were not having this issue my attention started to turn to other places. I was able to make some adjustment to my firewall which appears to have correct this issue. Strange that no changes were made to the firewall and this issue presented itself after updating the joomla site and Fabrik. However, that has corrected the Fruit Order form but I have the other form Currency Exchange under the Operations Manager menu that is getting just 'error'. I have looked through and I don't see anything that is obvious. Also while looking at this if you have suggestions with regards to the design please let me know.

OK ... well I'm glad I wasn't going insane then. Extremely odd and not very polite for a firewall to modify content like that.

The problem with the currency form was that there was no "List" selected in the autofill plugin, so the query was blowing up. I've fixed it on your site - I'm assuming "Expected Currency Levels" is the right one, seems to work now.

To get an idea of the problem with performance on that page, open Dev Tools in Chrome, and look at the Network tab, when you do that autofill. It'll fire the autofill AJAX, then when that returns, all 22 of your AJAX calcs kick off, because their "watched" elements have changed. So that's 23 separate hits on the server, all loading the J! and Fabrik frameworks.

-- hugh
Me too. And you are right, not verify nice for the firewall to do that. I have been running this firewall for almost two years with the hardware I have now and probably 3-4 years beyond that. First I have ever had that problem with it. but sometimes it is the must unusual suspect when it comes to things like this.

Things are looking good other then an unrelated issue with loading PDF documents on the site. Seems it was working yesterday but noticed today that it is not. These articles have nothing in them but the embeded PDF so it is crazy that they are not loading. Darn things just says it is loading.... Already have about 4 hours invested on this thing.

Anyways, I will do as recommended to look at the performance with those calc loading and see what I need to do to tidy up the code/implementation.

It might be OK, it rather depends on your usage. If the firm doesn't get loaded very often, and you don't have any kind of resource bottlenecks. But I've seen pages with dozens of calcs like that cause problems, exceeding server resource restrictions (like connections per second), and generally bring things grinding to a halt.

So "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." I just noticed the slow loading after the auto fill, and wanted to let you know what's happening.

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