Allowed File Types

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v1.0.4 - When I try to set up allowed file types for a file upload element, I am not able to upload the ones specified - getting a 'file not allowed' error. - currently, the value in the element settings is ".ai,.jpg,.jpeg" - .ai doesn't work, but .jpg does.

Any ideas?
Which version of 1.04? Is it the 1.04(b) from back in Feb, or the brand spanking new one we uploaded today?

-- hugh
I uploaded a fresh version sometime around noon central time.

I believe that it is the new one, since there wasn;t a b at the end of the file.
When does the error happen? Is it when you select the file, as you submit the form or once the file has been uploaded?

-- hugh

My apologies, I got busy with some other stuff and didn't have time to get to this issue before leaving for my Thanksgiving travels.

I've entered a ticket on our new Unfuddle site, to make sure I don't loose track of this problem. I'll take a look just as soon as I can, which will probably be some time Fri or Sat.

-- hugh
Ah, the power of the Unfuddle ticket. I just submit one, and magically the problem gets fixed!

Thanks Rob,

-- hugh
This is strange, but I am having this issue again with fileupload v3.1.1... did the fix make it over into the fabrik3 version?
Can you please open a new thread (this one is 7 years old and about a pre-pre-pre Fabrik version;) )?
Standard fileupload or ajax enabled?
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