Alter pagination links


I cannot use ajax for the list module. This means that the list pagination will always refresh the page and position to the top. Now I want to use an id, #pageposition, to add to the navigation links. In that case the page will refresh and goes to id=#pageposition. For this to work I guess that I need to override ..\components\com_fabrik\layouts\pagination\fabrik-pagination-links.php.

The issue I have here is: how do I add #pageposition to the (active) links?
Is there an alternative way of adding #pageposition somewhere else in the code?

You should be able to ovverride ...


... in a custom list template. You can then modify $item->link in the fabrik_pagination_item_active() function.

-- hugh
Yeh thanks Hugh. Didn't think of that one.
I changed the link and in the html page source I see that #pageposition is now added to the link, but...
This still does not work; #pageposition is stripped after a click on the link.
Unclear what is causing this. Is this fabrik? Or maybe Joomla?
I do get a ERR_CACHE_MISS from the browser when I view the page source, so maybe its the browser?

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