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another repeat groups bug

joom2.5 fabrik 3.1RC2

many-to-many relationship.
Normalization table contains entries when all items are deleted from either side.

The last repeat group, you can not delete, you can only set it to -please select- and this saves in the normalize DB as an entry with no value on the join.

so in the normalization table you get the following

The Normalization table.. in a many-to-many setup "physicians_to_speciatlties" in the case

Physicians | Specialties | Physicians_to_Specialties

Take physicians for instance.. I have repeat group setup through the normalization table.
If you delete all repeat groups data in the physicians DB.. there is always still one group left.. so you have to save the physician record with a Specialty that the dropdown is "please select" which has a value of null..

I think its a jquery issue.. ! and the form has elements in the DOM so it populates as a null value..

Does this clarify!?
When you have a dbjoin to a repeat group, there is always at least an Empty record.. .. need to be able to have no entries saved from a repeat group, if the list entry is not supposed to have any.. for instance, watch the screencast

What I am getting at, is there is no way to "NOT HAVE" any .. in my case.. the screen cast uses services.. a many-to-many relation ship to physicians... the repeat group, allows for addition, changes from the physician edit form..

there is always at least one entry. and its null.

does this help??!
You *should* be able to set the group's repeat minumum setting to 0, to achieve this, but theres some outstanding issues with that - see here

If you don't mind Fabrik internally managing the relationship table then you can remove the group - and use the element as a database join element but set to render as a multiselect list or as a checkbox.
I liked your quick screen casts so much, I thought it best to start using them. They REALLY help! Your welcome and thank you!

min is set to 0.. hmmm
I think I understand what you mean with using check boxes or multi select as the mechanism to choose..

I did not explicitly set to ZERO, duh, I should have tried that.. I will try that and see if that takes the nulls out.

In my template. I ended up checking for null or "" before rendering the element out.. so I am good for now! until is not there.. then My check might have to be done as @if