Article plugin not working anymore.

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Hi the article plugin on a form isn't working anymore. I just get a "1" as value?

my template looks like this:

<div data-uk-scrollspy="{cls:'uk-animation-fade'}">
<?php if ($emailData['fab_standard_content___main'] != '') {?>
<hr id="system-readmore" />
<div data-uk-scrollspy="{cls:'uk-animation-fade'}">
<?php }?>
What are your plugin settings (php/html template, Article template)?

The {content} str_replace had wrong params (corrected in GitHub).

But as far as I can see there's only a {content} placeholder, not {intro} or {main}, what do you expect to get from where?

Edit: Ok, I didn't know that in the article form plugin you can use also short element names as placeholders.
But the article plugin is working ok here.

Is your {intro} element a dbjoin?
It's replaced correctly with the label on my site.
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{intro} is a textarea without editor => output is ok
{main} is a textarea with editor => output is just "1"
Turned out that it's the name of the placeholder {main} that was causing the problem.

In the outpunt php template I replace {main} by <?php echo $this->data['general_content___main'] ; ?>
That did work. When i copied the element and renamed it to {maintxt} it also worked.

Will leave the code <?php echo $this->data['general_content___main'] ; ?> in for now cause i don't want to update all the articles

Thnx for the help troester!
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