Autofill js error


Well-Known Member

After last update from github i discovered that the autofill plugin stop running, maybe because of this error visible in Chrome debug console:

Uncaught TypeError: Object function () { [native code] } has no method 'replace'  media/com_fabrik/js/encoder-min.js line 1

in Firefox i see this error:

Error: TypeError: f.replace is not a function
Source: http://localhost/salesintranet3/media/com_fabrik/js/encoder-min.js
Line: 1

the error disappear when i disable the autofill plugin.
I might have fixed that - or a similar issue recently. In any case its certainly not firing the js error on my test autofill form now.

Could you try updating please?

Hell Rob,

Don't know if is related to your modifications, the error is gone but now i cannot submit any data if the autofill plugin is activated. It's like this plugin will unset any submited data. Soon as i deactivate it, i can insert data into database table...
Also. it is helpful when developing to enable Fabrik Debug and set Joomla php error reporting to maximum. Amongst other things, it loads the non min version of JS files and gives better JS error messages. :)
i activated it but i don't see any error, now i just have this problem: the information is not added into database..
I don't seem to be able to replicate this, although I am using a very simple test case, just a form with a join for the 'watched' element, one mapped element, and one non-mapped element, both fields. I'm able to create new forms and edit existing ones, everything submits fine.

Can you point us at your page?

-- hugh
for the moment i don't have an online website for testing. The autofill plugin run fine if i go back to the version from August 8. The form is having one dbjoin element, 2 chained cdd elements, 15 calc elements, 15 fields and two joined groups with option Repeat enabled
But which of those are auto-filled?

It's going to be really hard for me to fix a problem I can't replicate.

Let me know which element types you are auto-filling, and I can add them to my test. But if that still works for me, we'll need to find a way of getting me access to your site.

-- hugh
the autofill plugin will fill all 15 text fields based on selection made in second CDD element. Even more, there is another autofill plugin in the same form that will fill a textarea based on selection made in a database join that belong to one of those repeated group included in form..

I think i should find a way to give you access to a website for tests... Let me try tomorrow, is 2.30 AM here :)
ok Hugh, i think i managed to have a website for testing (please let me know if you encouter any issues). AFter login ( i sent you the login data using the PM system of this forum), the form can be accesed here. In administration area, the form can be accesed here
How to use it: click on "Adauga abonament" then select some values in form and at the end press the submit button "Trimite datele". You should be redirect back to the list and the new added data should be available instead of the message with red font "Adauga un abonament pentru acest contract"
friendly bump...need your help, guys, i don't understand what happen. Please note that i've tried to add a previous version of the autofill plugin, but i'm getting the same result. So the plugin might be related with something else that block submission..
Wow. That is a complex form. I really can't diagnose it without spending serious time on it.

My best suggestions is that you simplify it. Unpublish the second autofill, unpublish the CDD and calcs (that aren't involved with the first autofill), etc.

Take it back so it just the one simple autofill (without the one in the repeat group) which is filling out a few simple fields. See if that works. If it doesn't, get back to me, and it will at least be a damn site easier for me to debug.

If it does work in a much simpler incarnation, start adding the elements back, and finally add the second autofill, and see at which point it breaks. Then stop, and let me know what you did when it broke.

Right now, it's just crazy complex, and debugging it is almost impossible.

-- hugh
Hello again,

So, after i disabled all the fields and activated one by one, i removed all the joined groups, the culprit (in this case) seems to be....the autofill plugin :) No matter what field is active/inactive, when this plugin is activated the form doesn't submit the data.

I did also a comparison between fabrik code from 8 August (the last date when the form submission and the autofill plugin run well together) and latest version from github. It's a small modification to autofill.php at line 51, see attached image.

Rob, Hugh, Sophist, please take a look at the autofill plugin. I created a simple form that have this plugin applied and i cannot submit information. Despite this message: "Record added/updated", there is no information added to the database.

Please take a look here and test it. I hope you will find a solution, i'm stuck in this point for over a week...

Thank you
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