Birthday php error


I have blank page on some list, and i find this php fatal error:...

Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /srv/data/web/vhosts/ on line 6

I remplace birthday by date element, it works correctly.

Additionally, it's possible to have 'dd/mm/yyyy' format?

And it would very useful to have a date element without time (not only without display), because the time part cause some locale problems like:
-import cvs need to be reformatted date in excel
-copy a record removed two hours, so 19/10/2015 00:00:00 becomes 18/10/2015 22:00:00

Date elements have more functionality (calendar...)

I think we added it by mistake in github, then removed it, but you must have done a github update while it was there. And because doing a github update is just ftp'ing new and changed files ... it doesn't remove anything. So when this happens, and a file has to be removed ... you wind up having to delete it by hand.

-- hugh
Can you add a new date format 'dd/mm/yyyy' ?
Or give me some indication to make it, perhaps it's a good php exercise ;)
Just look at the code, should be fairly obvious from the existing code how to add a new format option.

Start in the forms/fields.xml file, add your new format option to the details_date_format and list_date_format params, and go from there. All other changes will be in the main birthday.php.

BTW, I think the m.d.y format is misnamed, it it's actually m/d/y.

-- hugh
Do you know how to use github to fork our code, make changes, then submit a PR? That way, I can just merge your changes with a single button click.

-- hugh
We *much* prefer that code contributions are done through github. It saves us a lot of work, as we can just hit one button and have your changes merged in to the main code.

However, we know that github has an initially steep learning curve, and isn't the easiest thing in the world to use if you aren't used to using source control systems.

I suggest you at least give it a go. Create a github account, fork the Fabrik repo, and read up on how to make changes and submit pull requests. You can actually do it all via the web, by just editing files in place. However, the best approach is to clone your fork to your local development system, make your changes there, commit and push them back up to github, then submit the PR. However, that adds a whole other layer of pain on the initial setup (creating SSH keys, etc).

Anyway ... give it a go with just forking direct on the github site, edit the files in place there.

-- hugh

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