Button element gives blank form


Whenever I add a button element to my form, the form won't load and gives a blank page.
The only error I get is 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)', and in the resources tab (chrome element inspector) i find this:
<button class="
As soon as I unpublish the button everything works fine.
I'm guessing it's some sort of php error, but what and where??
Updated a couple hours ago, so it should be the latest version. I actually updated because of the new button function added recently.
Did you do a full github update, or did you "cherry pick" certain files, like just the button plugin?

-- hugh
I did do a full update, though only overwriting when the github files were newer or different size.
As nobody else is reporting this, I suspect something went wrong with your update. Try re-uploading everything. Don't use any 'only if newer / different size' options.

-- hugh
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