Caclulating fields problem

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I am trying to calculate the sum of 2 fields and show the rsults in a third:
I have used the following with onChange:

$('placedebt___total_debt').value = parseInt($('placedebt___debt_value').value) + parseInt($('placedebt___collection_value'));

I use this and keep getting a NAN result even when I enter any number in the first or second field?

Am I missing something

Please Help
OK, the problem with the javascript is because you have no default values for the two fields being used as the sum, but you have the script firing on both of them. So no matter which field you fill out first, the other is empty. So it tries to do the parseInt on an empty field, and empty is Not a Number (NaN).

I suspect if you set the two fields to default to 0 (zero), that error will probably go away.

I've responded to your PM.

-- hugh
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