can i use JRoute for simple links?


Well-Known Member

I use google map for visualization and i need to display a more user friendly url using the Bubble template. I understand that i have to add simple html code..

So far i've tried two ways,but i can't make it work, the first try display jroute:: while the second doesn't interpret the php tag.

<a href="JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=details&formid=1&rowid={rowid}')">

<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=details&formid=1&rowid={rowid}'); ?>">

The visualization is displayed in Home page, as default page.

Thank you
its a HTML template - so you wouldn't be able to use PHP inside it I'm afraid. As far as I remember though the link should be available as a placeholder, perhaps:
Yeah, try {fabrik_view_url}, which should just be the URL itself, not a full link tag. So on my test viz, an example is:


You should then be able to wrap that up in your own link tag in the template.

-- hugh

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