Captcha image not visible after update 3.3.2

In Webempresa, (my web hosting provider), helped me to make the complete github update. Work!!! :) Ahhhhhhhhhh
Many Thanks Webempresa, Thanks to you. All.!
I had the same issue when I updated Fabrik to V3.3.2. I then downloaded the latest captcha folder via Github, i.e. element captcha folder and replaced the files on the web server via FTP and all is fine. The new captcha V2 is now showing and it's brilliant. Make sure you get the new numbers from Google for the version 2 captcha to work, otherwise use the older version by selecting it from the element options.
Thanks guy, had the same issue today, saw this thread, presto! Only thing, is instead of doing it as "nocaptcha" just retitle that to "Recaptcha2.0". I mean I got it, but yeah, might be a little more descriptive.
The other thing is the error message. Especially for 2.0. It says: Please ensure that you have entered text matching that found in the image

Instead of this, it should say, you need to complete the captcha challenge or click on the box. I can make some changes to the plugin if you would like and then see if you like my changes on github :), if you like it you could add it into the files?\


I added a pull request on github :)