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CDD with Picture

Good morning

Is it possible to have a picture appear in a CDD element?

I have a fileupload element that uploads a picture of the person and I want to display it on a search form I have created. My setup is as follows

DB Join (Auto Complete) >>

Name (CDD) >>

Town (CDD) >>

Picture (CDD) (Not sure how to display picture of the record?)

Thanks for any guidance


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Thansk Hugh

What I'm trying to do is to search for members and have their image display - Is it possible to do with any other element, with a calc element maybe?

Btw, iirc the only way to get images in SELECTs is using CSS bg images.

Yes, should be possible with a calc, with AJAX enabled. But you'd have to roll your own query code to get the upload element, something like ...

$myDb = JFactory::getDbo();
$myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true);
$myQuery->select('upload')->from('yourtable')->where('id = ' . $myDb->quote('{thistable___dbjoin_raw}'));
$myUpload = $myDb->loadResult();
if (!empty($myUpload)) {
   return '<img src="' . $myUpload . '">';
return 'frowny face y u no have pikture?';

Obviously change stuff as applicable, table name, element name, etc.

Leave the frowny face msg tho, I kinda like that.

-- hugh
Thanks hugh I have added that and it works to a degree but I have the following issue, (I'll try to explain as best I can)

My table where I store the data is called tenant_rep

When I added the image element it created a table with the name tenant_rep_repeat_picture

The code you supplied looks like this

$myDb = JFactory::getDbo();
$myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true);
$myQuery->select('picture')->from('tenant_rep_repeat_picture')->where('id = ' . $myDb->quote('{___tenants_name_raw}'));
$myUpload = $myDb->loadResult();
if (!empty($myUpload)) {
   return '<img src="' . $myUpload . '">';
return 'frowny face y u no have pikture?';

When I test it the wrong picture is displayed. For example, I lookup Alasdair Melville (id of 15 in tenants_rep table - attached picture 1) it displays a picture of another tenant from the tenant_rep_repeat_picture (picture 2) with an id of 15 - So I am guessing that I have to somehow "join" the two together to get the right picture?

Picture 1

Picture 2

I hope that makes sense?


I'm just puzzled as to why it's using a repeat table. That should only happen if you select "AJAX upload" as an option on the upload element.

Anyway ... did you try what I suggested above, of specifying parent_id instead of id in the where()?

-- hugh
I haven't checked yet as I'm not in front of my pc - let me finish dinner and I'll try on my iPad


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi Hugh

That's works! Sorry I should have realised - I think i got a bit "code blind" when I'm not even a coder!

Thanks again for your time :)

