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Create list view using logged in users extended profile

OK, can you pose that question here, rather than in the notes. The notes is just for specific access details. Ask questions here.

You should be able to set the pre-query on the list, and use it or not as you want in either the main list pre-filters, or the per menu pre-filters. Plus you have the option of whether the per menu pre-filters override the ones on the list itself, or add to them.

-- hugh
OK, thanks Hugh. I have used the code you gave me in the post above to filter results via queries I needed. Awesome. I have one stumbling block now (I think.). I want the company_name element in my fjui_sharp extended user profile list to auto populate a company_name field in my wsr_requests list. So a user logs into the site, said users extended profile contains company_name. User fills out a wsr_requests form - I need that form to autopopulate the company_name field the same way it does with user_id or username (hidden is fine), and have the ability to show that company_name in list and detail view. Right now my wsr_request entries need that field to do certain searches, as discussed. I've been manually loading in the company_ name just to fix the other stuff :) Ive tried and tried to get this to work, I'm missing something obvious!
From what I've seen of your setup, it would make sense to have a separate "companies" table, and make the "company name" element on your profile list be a join to that. You'd then find doing things from different places involving company name would become easier.

So my advice is normalize your data now. Create the company table, and modify that existing element to be a join. You'll have to re-select the data for any existing rows in the profile, as they'll need to change from being the name, to a key.

Once you've done that, we can look at achieving the next step.

-- hugh
OK, thanks, I'll probably put this in the too hard basket for now. Part of this project is that MS Sharepoint is inserting and syncing records from the tables (not that you would have known this!) so it's a one table (extended users) deal for now - their connector mechanism is really awkward. Pity, really, I was pretty close :) I think there's a fundamental bit of understanding how Fabrik works that I'm missing lol. I "assumed" extra data connected to a user in another table was always going to be available once the user logged in. I may try some workaround, thanks so much for the help.
Hi again - well, I've created a "Company Database" table separate from the "User Database" table, Ive populated it with just company name for now - I created the company name field in the User Database and used databasejoin to join to the Company DataBase. After refreshing the profiles via the form as suggested, the key has been written to the field as you indicated it world. I now need the users (raw) company name to appear when a logged in user loads the "WSR Request" form - is this where a pre-query and a filter query is needed on the WSR Request form? Hope you can help!
Sorry Hugh, I imported a live user CSV and overwrote your login. Should be good now. Appreciate your help as Im still stuck.
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I've kind of lost the plot on this one. Can you find me on Skype (hugh dot messenger at gmail dot com) and remind me what we're trying to achieve, so I don't have to re-read the entire thread from the start.

-- hugh
I'm GMT-5, but I keep very weird hours (I typically don't get to sleep before 6am). So best bet is just contact me on Skype, and if I'm awake, I answer.

-- hugh