Delete button in fileupload (non-ajax) issues

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Clicking the delete button near the uploaded image you'll get the two confirmation popups
1. Do you want to remove the file reference from this record?
2. Do you want to delete the file from the server?

But the image is not removed, only the delete button.

If confirming 1 + 2 on save the image is deleted from the server (on save) and removed from the record (confusing because it's still shown before the save)

If only confirming 1 the image is NOT removed from the record.

No change with the very last GitHub, no repeat group.
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Personally, I'd like to get rid of both of those dialogs. If someone hits the delete button, they want to delete the file. That's why they pressed the delete button. Perhaps YAFO on the element settings, as to whether to actually delete the file (would have to figure out making it play nice with the "if file exists" options).


-- hugh
If only confirming 1 the image is NOT removed from the record.

Are you sure? Seems to work OK for me, in non-repeating and repeating groups (I just fixed it for repeating groups this week).

I just added deleting the preview image, haven't committed it yet, trying to work out why selecting a new file isn't creating a new thumb.

-- hugh
Are you sure?
At least both is ok now with the latest Git.

For the confirmations: no fix opinion
- ajax fileupload has only one dialog (remove from server)
- depending on your setup it may nice to keep the file on the server (which is not possible with ajax upload) (with or without user's choice) or ... or...

But I think a frontend user usually doesn't know the difference between "remove from record" and "delete from server", so it's probably confusing to have two confirmations.
Yeah, I agree about the two msgs.

I think the way to go is to dump the "remove from record one" entirely. Just do it. I'm not sure why Rob added that, as I really can't think of a situation where someone would want to delete a file, but leave the path value in the element data.

Then have YAFO in the element settings for file deletion:

Delete file: "yes / no / ask user"

-- hugh
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