Demo site down

Feel free to update the wiki page. I didn't know we still referenced the demo site there, which we took down a number of years ago. Turns out that there are some folk on teh interwebz who don't play nice. Who knew?

-- hugh
On a non-Fabrik site I used to run we were getting 1 hacking attempt every 5 seconds. Took me ages to tweak my .htaccess to stop them at the gates.
Yeah, but the point of the demo site was to allow people to play around on the backend. We thought we could avoid most nastiness by clamping down on access for a demo user, but people found very creative ways of being assholes. I had a script which rebuilt the site at 3am from scratch, then stopped backend access and just used it to demo various features, but that didn't stop the dick pics and spam and general nastyness.

I've though about building a docker container to let people play with Fabrik in a relatively low friction way, and may still do that as containers become more mainstream, but it's still a nerdly kind of thing. I did build a full VM for use in things like Virtual Box, but again, high nerd factor.

-- hugh
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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