Detail view of several images


For a fileupload element I use Ajax to upload multiple images. Then in the detail view I have my photos below each other on a vertical plane.
However, I would like to have them on the same line next to each other on a horizontal plane.
How to do and how to custom the templates?
Thanks for your help.

Custom CSS with something like
#your-fabrik-element-name_ro li {float:left}

Use your browser dev tools to examine the correct HTML id and to test on the fly.
Thank you very much for your quick reply.
I tried with {float: left} and it works fine. However, if the images are on the same line, they are on the left when I wanted them to be on the same line and centered.
So I tried with {display: inline-block;} and that's exactly what I wanted. :)
What do you think ?
When it comes to CSS, whatever works for you, works. There's no right or wrong way, as long as it achieves what you need.

-- hugh
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