Dropdown extremely slow only in IE.... not usable - showstopper.

My initial hunch is that it's a Bootstrap induced issue, with a JQuery vs Mootools conflict thrown in for good measure. Something to do with the CSS n'th pseudo selector ...

Only problem is this is also evident in Fabrik2.5 which does not use bootstrap? Unless I am wrong.

If you recall, I raised this issue 2 years ago, and we were still on J1.7 and Fabrik2.x You then added a system option for me to switch off the IExx plugin to make it compatible with something or other, I cant recall.

Thanks for the effort. I understand the complexity. I didn't even know where to start to try to narrow it down.

In my profile session, it seems to spend alot of time in mootools core. By memory it gave me the impression to be a selector too.

I believe that Joomla is moving away from mootools in favor of JQuery?

Would it be a good idea to start migrating to JQuery too. Less possibility of conflict.

I do understand the amount of work that it would require... Maybe you already started on the side.

Could you just take a minute to confirm?

In the light of previous post, Maybe mootools have the issue and it would be a really good idea to move to JQuery.
Fabrik 2.5 was the css box model code we used for layouts which requried a polyfill in ie. We no longer use that so whilst the symptoms might be the same the cause most certainly wont be
Moving to jQuery in fabrik 3 just simply is not possibly unless we find some people willing to pay us to do it. We are probably the largest single Joomla component out there in terms of written js, with thousands of lines of code, it really would require a month or so of developer time to fix.
the example site provided by Basdub does not load for me at all at the moment (in chrome)
I have worked on it this morning canada eastern time and was working.

It's working from my phone too. Let me check again...

I totally understand for the conversion to jquery. On the other hand this product is not working on IE with a form of 30+ elements.

I might have to cut my loses and move on.
Seems there's a potential issue with bootstrap, checkboxes and IE

Personally I would start by try to isolate exactly where on your site the issue is coming from.
So I would first want to see if some incorrect markup was causing issues with the bootstrap js, so :

* try with a default J template
* if you have created a custom fabrik form template, try with the default one
* unpublish one by one any content or system plugins that you have installed
* unpublish one by one any module you have running on the page

then theres the js itself:
* see if setting the checkbox to not render in a grid helps
* turn off the forms mutlipage option
Hi, I have been away for a while.

I took another direction for testing, I started from scratch.
  1. I made a fresh installation of joomla 3.3.3.
  2. I then installed fabrik 3.2 from download link
  3. I applied the latest from github in order to have the needed plugins.
  4. I enabled the specific plugin I'm using.
  5. I did not copied any of my custom scripts (php or form_X.js).
  6. I copied the fabrik tables and form tables (with data)
  7. I have created a menu item for my form with default template (not bootstrap)
  8. I have set the layout of my form to default template as well (not bootstrap)
Unfortunately, it's the same. Extremely slow on IE 11.
More to come
In IE it just spend time and times in a function call local.pushUID which originate from defn and relates to event management (new DOMEvent).

I have tried mootools-core 1.5 no compatibility with the same result
Profiling between firefox and IE is barely comparable in terms of function calls. The time for total function calls is NOT comparable it like 36 vs 14000.

Mootools has major issues in IE and I'm just the first one to over use your component.

I'll do a completely new form list/from a new table with all default elements type and will get back to you.
I don't have time to check all of fabrik code to find the issue unfortunately. I'm slowly moving away from fabrik. My customers are really not happy with this issue. I might have already lost future contract with them.

Very disappointed!

I know one of the guy here, Hugh if my memory is correct, was out for a while and I do respect that and all the effort they are putting in this but customers prevalent at the end.

I wouldn't be surprised if the issue is in mootools. So I still don't think the guys here could do something.

I promised some test and will try to do so. It would mainly consist of taking all my check boxes into separate table field and use yes no button.

I'll keep you posted when I find the time to test this.

I'm back, but slammed dealing with paid subscriber issues at the moment. I understand your frustration, but when you talk about "customer issues" ... bottom line, unless you have "Standard" or "Pro" next to your name in the forums, and the post in in Standard or Pro ... I'm very limited in the time I can put in to working on your issues. I appreciate that isn't specifically "your" issue, but we aren't getting hammered about it left right and center, so it remains where it is on the totem pole - something we need to fix, but currently in the "in our copious spare time" category.

Like you, I've gotten as far as "it's in Mootools core somewhere", but then I run in to extremely frustrating issues with IE's developer tools, that just won't break where I need, or I get in to an infinite break loop, where the act of the focus switching to the debugger triggers another break. if I could spend a solid day or so on it, I could probably get somewhere, and override whatever it is we need to deal with in our Moo extensions lib. But I just can't afford to take a couple of days out on a Community issue right now.

Sorry to be so blunt, and I don't usually get as crass and commercially minded about these things, but my medical bills are significant, and I'm having to take that in to account when scheduling my time.

This is one of the many reasons we're rewriting Fabrik from the ground up for v4, with an entirely different, platform agnostic approach.

-- hugh
Hi :)

I am also monitoring this thread for a few weeks now.

Just popping in to say I have the same issue.
I understand and respect hugh's point of view above, since we all need to keep the paying customers happy.

Hoping patiently while appreciating everyone's effort.
Hugh, I have no frustration directed towards you or Fabrik only respect for your hard work. It's directed towards IE and their unconditional users :D

I will try to replace all my checkboxes for yes/no and see if that works for me. The number of tables and fields in the database is of no concern.
Hello there!
Are there any updates on this?
I also experience similar delays (will post them in a new post though).
Shortly: every initial load using IE11 (with FF and Chrome a little better but still very slow) of a specif page that contains list with joins and with a DBjoin element and a CDD element (where the period between loads is over one hour) can take longer than 30 sec.
I have checked with hosting provider looking at every possible parameter, performing tests and it was clear that it is not from the hosting.
Thank you!