Error on install: fabrik_elements doesn't exist


New Member

When I try to install Fabrik on my site I get this message:

Table 'mydb.ab_fabrik_elements' doesn't exist SQL=UPDATE `ab_fabrik_elements` SET plugin = (SELECT replace(plugin,'fabrik', ''));

Package Install: There was an error installing an extension:

Error installing package

Please note:
  • There is no previous Fabrik tables in the DB
  • I have no problem installing other extensions
  • I don't have installation problem with Fabrik if I try on a fresh new Joomla site on the same server (on a subdomain of the same main domain)
Any idea ?

Thank you very much for your help.

Here is my configuration:

PHP Built On Linux #1 SMP Wed Jan 28 21:11:36 UTC 2015 x86_64
Database Version 5.1.73
Database Collation utf8_general_ci
PHP Version 5.4.38
Web Server Apache
WebServer to PHP Interface cgi-fcgi
Joomla! Version Joomla! 3.4.5 Stable [ Ember ] 22-October-2015 21:30 GMT
Joomla! Platform Version Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.73 Safari/537.36
This is a known issue in very special constellations (we never found which ones).
"Something" is running .sql update script files.
I don't have installation problem with Fabrik if I try on a fresh new Joomla site
So what is special on the site with the error?
Did you ever install (or try to install) Fabrik on this site?
Which other components/plugins are installed?
Thank you for your help. I am really sorry. there was indeed former folders of Fabrik in components etc. I thought I had totally restored a previous version of my site free of any attempt of Fabrik installation. Obviously, it wasn't the case. In fact, the first time I installed Fabrik, every thing was fine except that I had some 500 errors when trying to display lists or other menu types from Fabrik.
Dear All and Dear Troester
I have experienced the same event. It occurs in my administrative site after the installation of Fabrik and thus Jdeveloper. All these two components works fine only indipendentely. The crush of Fabrik occurs after I have imported Fabrik component in Jdeveloper with the aim to make easy forms in Jdeveloper using lists and forms of Fabrik. In particular the problem appeared when I DELETED FABRIK COMPONENT INSIDE JDEVELOPPER! When thereafter I try to reinstal Fabrik last version 3.4.1 in the updated version of Joomla (3.4.8) the response is:
Table 'Mytable_fabrik_elements' doesn't exist SQL=UPDATE `--_fabrik_elements` SET plugin = (SELECT replace(plugin,'fabrik', ''));
Package Update: There was an error installing an extension:
Any help should be appreciated!
Hi Hugh
I have tried with and without tables in my database and the problem has not been resolved. The problem is remained also removing Jdeveloper. The unic solution that I have found is reinstalling joomla and thus the various extensions, thus loosing a lot of information ....
If you have time and interest I am available to give you access to my administrative site with the aim to resolve the problem in general (for other Fabrik users) and in particular (for me and my site that is until now unresolved).
Thank you in advance for your possible help.
So does this problem only happen when using jdeveloper?

If you install Fabrik on a clean site without jdeveloper, does it happen?

-- hugh
On a clean site it is all ok. If I install Fabrik and Jdeveloper on a clean site, it is ALL OK if the two components are used indipendentely! The problem is that my site is not clean and I would like to maintain the information that contains. The difficulty is to reinstal Fabrik in a site not clean that was disturbed by the event mentioned in the my previous posts. Now Jdeveloper is not pivotal at this step.
My opinion is that Jdeveloper had removed the installation of Fabrik but not in an adequate manner. The result is that in these conditions it is not possible to remove it completely from the site and thus, during the subsequent "standard" installation of Fabrik, it is not possible to over-write its files in the various directories of the site and in its database tables in an adequate manner.
I think thus that only a person like YOU or Rob can solve the issue "at the root" understanding appropriately what it is really occured.
If you agree I am available to plan an on line meeting with teamviewer windows ver 10 to better clarify all the issues, point by point.
Unfortunately we just don't have the time to work on such corner case issues. You are the only person to experience this issue, and it would take many hours for one of us to install jdeveloper, reproduce and fix the issues. I've never used jdeveloper, and have no idea how it handles installing and uninstalling components. It obviously isn't using the J! API, as we know that works.

-- hugh
So Fabrik is partly uninstalled and you don't have any Fabrik work to keep?
Try to clean up all Fabrik stuff manually:
backup your site
go to Extensions/Manage, search for "fabrik", if there's still anything uninstall it
go to your file system: remove all folders *fabrik*
go to your database: search in #_extensions for "fabrik" and remove the records
Hi Hugh
Thanks for your message.

Hi Troester
I agree with your practical and useful advices.
Have you a nice week-end.
You can try to download the recent Fabrik3.4.2 from
and install it (without deleting anything manually).

There was a modification yesterday addressing this SQL-file trying to update (which shouldn't be run at all by the J!installer).
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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