Error with local installation/ Safari


New Member
I've installed the component Fabrik 1.05 on a local installation (with MAMP). I'm in Mac Os 10

When i want to create a table, i've a blank page, and the url goes to administrator/index2.
All the options have the same problem
Fabrik 1.06 too

(excuse my english)
I try with Firefox
That's better but the screen in "create new table" or "create new form" contains no validation buton (seems like no CSS).

So I can't validate
It sounds like you are trying to add a validation to a particular field? If so, this is done in the element creation process.

Go to Elements -> toggle the respective element you want validated -> edit. You'll see a 'Validations' tab there. :)

I have tried at home with my PC, Xampp, and Fabrik runs fine. But i don't understand why it doesn't work at my job on a Mac...

Just one more question. After building a form, i can display the result on my site by making a link in a menu. It shows the table, with the list of the records. Ok

But how to display just one record ?
I want use fabrik like a pre-formated content editor, only for the adminstrator use. I want the results of the form become an joomla-article.

I can only show the table in the site

excuse my english again ;)
I have no idea why it isn't working on the Mac, and unfortunately neither Rob nor I have a Mac we can test with. Are there any javascript errors on the pages? Does you server error log show anything useful?

By "how to display one record", I assume you mean how to display the form for a given row? If the permissions are set correctly on your table in Fabrik admin (for view and edit records), you should have a View and/or Edit link on each table row, which will bring up a form for that row, in either read only or edit mode.

-- hugh