Fabrik 3.8


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Joomla offered me this upgrade. I installed but now site is dead!!!!

Class 'FabrikWorker' not found

Site is Error 0 (zero) and backend loads but all menu options give the above error.

Help please.

I ran into the same issue. My production site came back up after a while, but the development site did not.
I disabled fabric via components table and still had funny issues. Was due to caching so deleted my Opcache files and now back in. I need to reinstall Fabrik now and see what happens.
Update completed with these messages:
Source folder not found

Error updating component.
Error updating plugin.
Error updating module.
Updating plugin was successful.
Updating module was successful.

No immediate issues but the original error message was there again when I tried to access the component on the admin site or display a list on the site.

I've updated Fabrik yesterday 3.8 on a Joomla 3.8.1 website, it has generated an error 500. My website was unaccessible.
We've corrected by renaming the file ".../web/administrator/components/com_fabrik/classes/38/FormField.php"

Today, i've just tried to reinstall the pkg_fabrik_3.8.zip that i've downloaded this morning on fabrik website, and i've meet the same problem.
By renaming the file ".../web/administrator/components/com_fabrik/classes/38/FormField.php", i can access again my website, but in the backend of fabrik extension, i still have this error message:
Fabrik cannot find files required for this version of Joomla. DO NOT use the Fabrik backend admin until this is resolved. Please visit our web site and check for announcements about this version"

How should i correct this?

Thank you
I can't replicate.
I just downloaded pkg_fabrik_3.8.zip and installed it on a J!3.8.1 site without error.

Your "Erreur" message is because you renamed the file, it's one of the "required" ones.
What was the reason for renaming?
BTW: if you suspect Fabrik breaking your site you can disable the Fabrik system plugin directly in the database.

Which PHP version are you running?
Do you have other components/plugins which may conflict?
We decided to rename this file because the file was not accessible (internal server error 500) and in the log, there was this message:

PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class Joomla\CMS\Form\FormField, because the name is already in use in /home/local/web/.../web/administrator/components/com_fabrik/classes/38/FormField.php on line 22"

Now, Fabrik seems to work, but i still have this message in the backend, and i can't editate the plugin of my formular.

We have PHP: 7.0.24-1~dotdeb+8.1
In 'big' plugins, we have: hikashop, edocman, ignite gallery, falang (and some other little extensions, but i'm not sure it can conflict)
Thank you
Fabrik needs this file (overriding the Joomla FormField) exactly for backend plugin editing etc. where Joomla is missing some repeat features.

I assume one of you other components is trying to do the same thing.
Was this working before the update with the same components/plugins? Fabrik is doing this since version2.5 without problems.

Can you go to your system plugins and disable all (non Joomla) ones, then enable one by one to find the conflicting one?
Yes, it was working before. Our website is still in development, so i updated always each extension when available. Fabrik was in 3.7 and joomla in 3.8.1 until monday, and everything was working properly.

I will try do deactivate/activate extensions this afternoon
No, if Fabrik was at 3.7 and J! at 3.8, it wasn't working properly. The backend in Fabrik would not have worked right for things like multiple plugins in forms.

One thing you could try is to edit your #__extensions table (your J! extensions table) in something like phpMyAdmin, find the row for the name 'plg_fabrik_system', and set the 'order' to 0, or even -1.

The problem is that something else is instantiating that FormField class before we can in our system plugin. So if our system plugin runs first, that should fix the problem.

-- hugh
Thanks for the answer. I've tried to change the field 'ordering' (no field 'order') with value '-1' (it was already at 0) in the database, and it has no impact, still the same problem if the file 'FormField.php' is not renamed.

I will try to unpublish the different extensions, unless you see another solutions

Thank you
Yeah, I can't really help until I know what extension or plugin it is causing the issue. The place to look is system plugins, those are pretty much the only ones which can preempt what we are doing.

The two off the top of my head I know we've seen problems with before are Kunena and OS Downloads.

-- hugh
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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