fabrik 3 moved to github.com


We've decided to move Fabrik 3's source control repository to github.com. It can now be found at:

Please note this has changed - the master repository is not pollen8/fabrik any more but Fabrik/fabrik


There are several advantages to git over svn and github in particular provides a great way to manage open source projects.

This move mirrors changes in the Joomla project when the platform is already hosted on github and the CMS will be moving over to github as well. By aligning ourselves with the source control services that the Joomla project uses we are lowering the barriers to developer input into the Fabrik project.

Whilst there is a learning curve to using git (and both myself and Hugh are on that curve as well) our initial testing confirms that is makes it a lot easier for developers to fork the code, make their own changes and then request that those changes be incorporated into the branch. The social aspect of github also makes it easy to see who is working on what .

Github provides some great tutorials for getting started:

If all you want is a copy of the current code, this page provides a download option. However, we'd much prefer to see people creating forks and contributing back to the code base if at all possible.

The tutorial for how to set up a fork is here:

Fabrik 2's source control will remain at the unfuddle svn repository.

I guess you put a lot of thoughts into this.
How do we keep track of the versions with this new setting ?
@jfq - the project page Rob pointed at:


... should be fairly self explanatory. The Commit tab shows you all the activity on any given branch. Although I'm not entirely sure if GIT has the same concept of sequential "revision numbers" as SVN.

As Rob said, we're both still new to GIT, and are as much on a learning curve as you are. We just know that GIT is much better suited for this kind of project, and for J! extensions in particular, for all the reasons given (and more). So we decided to make the leap for f3 now, while it is still in it's infancy, and not too many people are invested in SVN with it.

If you have any specific questions, I'll try and answer them. But on the whole you should just be able to follow you nose to get the code checked out, maybe with a little help from the tutorials Rob pointed at.

-- hugh
Been sidetracked lately by Real Life for the last couple of weeks. (Dang colleges for the my daughters, actually want paid, for them to attend.)

That was sweet, installed GitHub app for Mac, created an account, browsed for the Fabrik project and cloned it to my mac.

Both my live site and sandbox don't have Fabrik installed yet. So,.... I should install the alpha version from the downloads page on the sandbox, correct?

I did see that the ticket for J! update manager was closed, so running the updater will bring in latest files for Fabrik?

Any additional elements, validations, visualizations,... etc that I want to install, just zip up the correct directory and install normally thru the J! installer? Will the J! update manager catch the additional installs without problems?

No need for the Ant build scripts anymore?

Thanks for your efforts
I think the answer to all you questions is "yes", it's only the last one I'm not sure about. I think we'll still need Ant scripts to build the installer.

Rob told me on Skype Fri night that he'd fixed the update manager, but I haven't actually tried it yet. that was where we had a brief discussion about a nightly Ant script to build the updater files.

-- hugh
I would download the zip from github. Extract it into your Joomla install. Then use Joomla's discover feature (in the extension manager page) to install the Fabrik Package.

The updater works with the current codebase. However I still need and want to test it with the previous pre-alpha release.
do you have an estimate by when Fabrik 3 will be ready for production?
br, christian
Hi a guestimate is that beta is planned for the end of the month, and a release candidate a month after.
correct - well its needed if you want to use build.xml to build the component zip, but for use on a site with fabrik installed its not needed.

Just FYI, once you have f3 installed, and all you want to do is update from the latest github (and you aren't using an actual git clone in your Joomla webroot, i.e. so you can't do a "git pull" in your Joomla web root to grab changes), the easiest way to update is log in with a shell on your server (i.e. ssh to it), cd to your joomla web root and pipe a wget of the download tarball straight to tar ...

-bash-3.2$ cd /var/www/html/joomcb15
-bash-3.2$ wget --no-check-certificate [url]https://github.com/Fabrik/fabrik/tarball/master[/url] -O - | tar -zx --strip-components 1

Gotta love the UNIX command line. :)

[Depending exactly which version of tar you have, you may need --strip-path instead of --strip-components. What that does is ignore the commit numbered top level folder in the tarball that the actual Fabrik folders and files files are contained inside]

-- hugh
thanks troester u r almost a memer of Fabrik developer. :)

so, we need to upload the com_files one by one.

tar ball would be smarf.

nice wiki, thanks again.
Please if i want to update my fabrik3 form with github, how can i do that? because i have this error message while trying to submit a form "Store row failed:
Could not connect to MySQL." and the sumitted data, i dont know where to locate them.
Please help...!