Fileupload element with ajax upload doesn't works in repeated groups


Fileupload element with ajax upload doesn't works in repeated groups. The element upload the files to the server, but doesn't save the value in database
As far as I remember, (I haven't been around recently), I don't think this is possible.

A repeated group is already a joined table and a ajax upload, (if I remember correctly), also creates a joined table. This would mean a join of a join.

I hit the same scenario last week but ended up creating my own multi-fileupload field followed by a PHP form plugin which updates the relevant table on save. it's slightly messy at the moment though but is only in concept mode.

I would be interested in knowing officially if we can support ajax upload in repeated groups. If not I'll look into ways of an official option.
this appears to be a limitation still. no repeating of a group with an ajax element allowed. at least i can't get it to work. is that correct?
I think you can use it AJAXin single file mode (where it doesn't create the additional many-to-many table), but I think there's still issues with multi files in a repeat. I forget exactly where I'm at with that. I know I got a lot closer to having it work last time I did some work on it, but I can't remember how tough the remaining problems were.

-- hugh
And just to be clear, it's not the sort of thing which is likely to just "get fixed". At this point in Fabrik's life, the remaining issue like this are the intractable ones, where it's just not economically feasible to expend the effort - making AJAX work in repeat groups isn't going to bring in a flood of new support subscriptions to pay for the work. So these kinds of issues are the ones I occasionally chip away at when a get a wild hair (so may get fixed at some point, but not roadmap or ETA), or I work on when someone (or someones) who want the feature badly enough fund the work.

-- hugh
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